ArticleCS - Article View


Published Feb. 6, 2020
Expiration date: 3/6/2020

The proposed project consists of establishing a freshwater stream and wetland mitigation bank in the Little Pee Dee and Great Pee Dee watershed (8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code 03040204 and 03040201) located in the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain Ecoregion.  The proposed 1,199-acre mitigation bank includes approximately 9,647 linear feet of stream channels and 732 acres of wetlands.

The proposal is to preserve 4,098 linear feet of stream. In addition, 2,418 linear feet of stream will be enhanced by re-routing flow back into relic channels. Approximately 12,807 linear feet of stream will be restored by stabilizing stream channels, reconnecting streams to their floodplain, removal of existing impoundments, and creating new channels where needed. Buffers will be enhanced by planting a mix of native trees to improve vegetative diversity. Approximately 42.31 acres of wetlands will be enhanced by re-establisment of native hardwood species. 252.48 acres of wetlands will be restored by removing exiting pine plantation, restoring hydrology through grading and ditch plugging, and re-establishing forested wetland vegetative communities.  Approximately 42.31 acres of wetlands will be preserved on site. Once the mitigation work is complete, the bank sponsor proposes to monitor the mitigation site to ensure that the restoration areas are performing as expected and meeting the necessary performance standards.  The bank sponsor, using a conservation easement, will protect the mitigation bank site.

Also, according to the Prospectus, the proposed mitigation bank will provide in-kind compensatory mitigation for authorized impacts to aquatic resources located within the Middle Pee Dee, Lower Pee Dee, Waccamaw River, Lynches River, Black River, and Lumber River, as shown on the attached Service Area Map.  The work required to complete the proposed activities on the mitigation site may be authorized under Nationwide Permit #27 after reviews by the Corps, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, and the Interagency Review Team.