Charleston District Looks Forward to Continued Success with the Workforce Recruitment Program

Published March 4, 2013
Charleston District Looks Forward to Continued Success with the Workforce Recruitment Program

Charleston District Looks Forward to Continued Success with the Workforce Recruitment Program

Meletha Glover was the first Workforce Recruitment Program Summer Intern for Charleston District. Glover, a Navy veteran with a non evident disability is a student at Lorrain County Community College in Ohio pursuing her Degree in Human Resource Management.  She was hired by the Charleston District Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Manager as an Office Automation Assistant for the summer in 2012.  “I am thankful for the opportunity to work with the Corps and to engage in practical applications of EEO and Human Resource concepts related to my career goals,” said Glover.

The Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) for College Students with Disabilities is a recruitment and referral program that connects federal and private sector employers nationwide to qualified and prescreened college students and recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to prove their abilities in the workplace through summer or permanent jobs. “Glover was a great asset to the District team; she worked diligently and was eager to lend support wherever needed,” said Jessica Byrd, EEO Manager.

Glover also supported the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center with their workload needs. The following October, in recognition of Disability Employment Awareness Month the EEO Manager thought it was the perfect opportunity to reemphasize the WRP as a recruitment tool and to share her success story with hiring managers. “I was able to talk from personal experience about the talent available through the WRP.”

The WRP has a database of over 6,000 qualified and prescreened potential candidates seeking employment making the WRP a viable recruitment tool for achieving DOD’s goal of increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in the workforce.  This year Charleston District looks forward to continued success with the program and expanding their representation of individuals with disabilities in the workforce.