National Environmental Policy Act

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District to evaluate the effect of proposed projects on both the environment and human health and welfare.

An Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) are used when there is not a significant effect to the environment or human health and welfare. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is used when the effect is significant. A Draft EA and Draft FONSI are issued to state and federal natural resource agencies, stakeholder groups, and other interested parties for a 30–day comment period.

We evaluate all comments received prior to deciding to continue with the proposed project and finalizing the EA and FONSI. Below is a list of significant projects in South Carolina and their NEPA documents. If you are looking for documents for projects not listed below, please contact

Waccamaw River Flood Risk Management Study

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Charleston District and Horry County are partnering to study flood risk reduction measures for flood impact areas along the Waccamaw River and its tributaries. The study is evaluating both structural and nonstructural measures to reduce flood risks. The Draft Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment was released for public review and comment on September 9, 2024. The public comment period closed on October 9, 2024.

Draft Feasibility Report 

Appendices A1 - A5 (Engineering)

Appendices​ B - F

Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

MUSC Pump Station Upfit Project

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District (USACE), in cooperation with the City of Charleston, is proposing to complete upfitting and rehabilitation of the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) pump station. The pump station serves a highly developed and largely impervious drainage basin which is interconnected with other basins draining the Charleston Medical District. The pump station currently houses three pumps which have been damaged by cavitation repeatedly through time, and the station pumps are expected to come to the end of their intended design life and require rehabilitation and upgrades by 2025. Proposed improvements to the pump station include increased pumping capacity, improved hydraulic configuration in the wet well and inflow chamber, enclosure and conditioning of the control room, and replacement and upgrade of electrical, instrumentation and controls, and lighting.

USACE has prepared a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, to assess the potential environmental effects of upfitting the MUSC pump station in Charleston, South Carolina.

USACE is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State, and local agencies and officials; Native American Tribes; and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of the proposed action. Comments should be submitted in writing no later than August 15, 2024 at noon to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 69A Hagood Avenue, Charleston, SC 29403 Attn: PM-P – N. Brown, or by e-mail to the following address:

Draft Environmental Assessment (EA)
Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

Santee Cooper Partnership Invasive Aquatic Plant Control

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District (USACE) prepared a Letter Report and Integrated Environmental Assessment to determine if federal interest exists in participating in an ongoing state-managed Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) program for the control and treatment of invasive aquatic plants on the Santee Cooper Lake System.

The draft was available for public review from June 24, 2024 until July 24, 2024. After reviewing comments received, USACE finalized the Letter Report and Integrated Environmental Assessment as the project does not constitute an action that would significantly affect the environment or human health. The documents are provided below. 


Appendix A - Santee Cooper Biological Service's PDMP

Santee Cooper Aquatic Invasive Species Final Letter Report and Environmental Assessment

Santee Cooper Partnership-Final-FONSI


Edisto Beach Coastal Storm Risk Management

Initial Construction – 2024
As the project enters the construction phase, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District (USACE) has prepared a supplemental information report to determine whether supplementation of the previous environmental assessment is warranted. As part of the 2024 construction, sand will be dredged and piped from the offshore borrow area to nourish the entire Edisto Beach Federal construction profile with approximately 929,000 cubic yards. Construction is projected to occur between October 2024 and March 2025.

The work is being conducted as part of USACE’s Edisto Beach Coastal Storm Risk Management (CSRM) Project. Several more renourishments will occur throughout the 50-year lifetime of the project in approximately 16-year intervals. Environmental compliance information for proposed actions can be found in the recent SIR as well as previous integrative studies below. Questions regarding the Edisto Beach CSRM Project can be directed to Niko Brown (Biologist) at (843) 329-8145 or

Supplemental Information Report

Validation Study – 2022
A validation study was completed in 2022 to validate modification to the project authorized during the feasibility phase and consider changes in existing conditions since completion of a renourishment projected by the Town of Edisto in 2017. Modification consisted of the removal of plans to construct dunes for two inlet reaches. Environmental compliance was updated during the study period and is summarized in-text in the report and Appendix A.

Validation Study Report

Feasibility Study – 2014
The feasibility phase of the Edisto Beach CSRM Project concluded with the completion of an integrated feasibility report, Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Chief’s Report. The Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment presents the results of studies performed to examine the feasibility of Federal coastal storm damage reduction for the Town of Edisto Beach, South Carolina. It describes baseline conditions, the formulation and evaluation of alternative plans and the identification of a Recommended Plan. Environmental compliance as it pertains to the scope of the authorized project appears in-text in the document and its appendices.

Chief’s Report
Interim Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment

Folly Beach Coastal Storm Risk Management

FCCE Renourishment – 2024
Most recently, as part of an authorized emergency rehabilitation of Folly Beach due to Hurricanes Ian and Nicole, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District (USACE) has prepared a supplemental information report to determine whether supplementation of previous environmental assessment is warranted. As part of the 2024 iteration of renourishment, sand will be dredged and piped from the Folly River to renourish the entire Folly Beach Federal construction profile with approximately 1.1 million cubic yards. An additional 40,000 cubic yards of material from the Folly River will also be made available to be placed onto the Bird Key Stono Seabird Sanctuary as directed by state and Federal resource agencies. Construction is projected to occur between February and October 2024.

The work is being conducted as part of USACE’s ongoing Folly Beach renourishments. Several renourishments have commenced under this project since 1993 with the most recent in 2018. Environmental compliance information for current and previous renourishment actions can be found in the recent SIR as well as previous SIRs and EAs below. Questions regarding Folly Beach renourishments can be directed to Niko Brown (Biologist) at (843) 329-8145 or

Supplemental Information Report

FCCE Renourishment – 2018
As part of an authorized emergency rehabilitation of Folly Beach due to Hurricanes Matthew and Irma, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District (USACE) prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for use of the Folly River as the source of beach-quality material for the rehabilitation. Environmental compliance needs related to this iteration of renourishment were later updated with a supplemental information report in September of 2018. In total, approximately 1.3 million cubic yards of material dredged and piped from the Folly River was used to renourish the majority of the Federal project template at Folly Beach between July and November 2018. Additionally, in early March 2018, about 12,200 cubic yards of material was placed onto Bird Key Stono Seabird Sanctuary and another 8,000 from November-December 2018.

Supplemental Information Report
Environmental Assessment

Periodic Renourishment – 2014
In cooperation with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Folly Beach was nourished in 2014 with approximately 1.4 million cy of sand from an offshore borrow area that was located in both state and federal waters.

Environmental Assessment

Periodic and Partial Renourishments – 2005 to 2007
The shoreline was nourished in 2005 with approximately 2.3 million cubic yards of sand from offshore borrow areas. A partial renourishment occurred in 2007 with approximately 490,000 cubic yards of sand using these same borrow areas.

Environmental Assessment & FONSI

Initial Construction – 1993
Initial project construction was completed in 1993 and involved the placement of approximately 2.7 million cubic yards of sand on Folly Beach from the Folly River.

Environmental Assessment & FONSI

Site Management and Monitoring Plan for Inactive Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Sites

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division (USACE) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 4 have prepared a draft Site Management and Monitoring Plan (SMMP) to address the disposal of dredged material at the Southeastern United States Inactive Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Sites (ODMDS).  The inactive ODMDS’s are at Georgetown, South Carolina; Palm Beach, Florida; Pensacola, Florida; Port Royal, South Carolina; and Tampa, Florida.

USACE and EPA are soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State, and local agencies and officials; Native American Tribes; and other interested parties.  Comments should be submitted in writing via email or letter no later than July 9th, 2023.  Comments sent by letter should be sent to either David Bauman at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; 60 Forsyth Street SW; Atlanta, Georgia 30303 or to Gary Collins at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4; 61 Forsyth Street, SW; Atlanta, Georgia 30303.  Comments sent via email should be sent to either or to

The Public Notice and the Draft Site Management and Monitoring Plan can be downloaded at the following links:

Public Notice

Draft Site Management and Monitoring Plan

Port Royal Harbor Disposition Study

The Port Royal Harbor Disposition Study is a federal study investigating whether a federal interest continues to exist for commercial navigation within the Port Royal Harbor federal navigation channel. Authorized under Section 216 of the Flood Control Act of 1970, a disposition study gives the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) the authority to evaluate a project which is no longer serving its authorized purpose.

Port Royal Harbor is in Beaufort County, South Carolina. The project is within the Hilton Head Island-Bluffton, SC Metropolitan area, which also includes the Town of Port Royal and City of Beaufort, as well as several smaller communities. About 5.8 miles of the Port Royal Harbor federal channel, between the entrance channel and the approach to the former Port, coincides with the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW).

Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, USACE, Charleston District has prepared a draft Integrated Feasibility Report/Environmental Assessment and draft Finding of No Significant Impact for the Port Royal Harbor Disposition Study.

USACE is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State, and local agencies and officials; Native American Tribes; and other interested parties to consider and evaluate the impacts of the proposed action. Comments should be submitted in writing no later than 12 Noon on 26 June 2023, to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 69A Hagood Avenue, Charleston, South Carolina 29403, Attn: Andrea Hughes, or by e-mail to

Port Royal Disposition Integrated Report and Environmental Assessment

Port Royal Disposition Study - Appendix I Real Estate

Port Royal Disposition Study - Appendix II Environmental

Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Maintenance Dredging in South Carolina

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District (USACE) has prepared a Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, to update the original analysis of environmental impact and compliance for Operations and Maintenance of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) Navigation Project, and to evaluate additional dredged material management alternatives. The AIWW Navigation Project begins at the NC/SC state line and extends 212 miles to Port Royal Sound, South Carolina.  

USACE has prepared an Environmental Assessment to communicate new environmental information and update the coordination between USACE, the public, and resource agencies. The draft EA was available for public review from August 28, 2023 until September 28, 2023. After reviewing comments received, USACE finalized the Supplemental EA and signed a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) as the project does not constitute an action that would significantly affect the environment or human health. The Final EA and FONSI are below.

Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Maintenance Final Environmental Assessment
Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Maintenance Final Finding of No Significant Impact
Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Maintenance 401 WQ and CZM Public Notice
Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Maintenance Appendix A: Prior Studies Reports and Existing Water Projects
Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Maintenance Appendix B: Public and Agency Correspondence
Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Maintenance Appendix C: Biological Assessment
Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Maintenance Appendix D: Coastal Zone Consistency
Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Maintenance Appendix E: Section 106
Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Maintenance Appendix F: Essential Fish Habitat
Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Maintenance Appendix G: 404b1 Analysis
Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Maintenance Appendix H: Sediment Analysis
Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Maintenance Appendix I: 401 Water Quality Certification

Folly River Maintenance Dredging

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District (USACE) prepared a Supplemental Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, to assess the potential environmental effects of conducting maintenance dredging of the Folly River Navigation Project in Charleston County, South Carolina.  A draft EA was available for public review from March 14, 2023 until April 13, 2023.

The EA outlines actions, aside from needs related to navigation, to use dredged sediments for the purposes of mitigating shoreline erosion and storm damage for adjacent property owners and public infrastructure and wildlife habitat along Folly Beach and Bird Key Stono. This includes the beneficial use of materials in the nearshore environment.

Folly River Navigation Project Operation & Maintenance Dredging - Supplemental Environmental Assessment

Folly River Navigation Project Operation & Maintenance Dredging - Finding of No Significant Impact


Town Creek Maintenance Dredging

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District (USACE) has prepared a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, to assess the potential environmental effects of conducting maintenance dredging of Town Creek Federal navigation channel in Charleston County, South Carolina.  

USACE has prepared a Supplemental EA to communicate new environmental information and update the coordination between USACE, the public, and resource agencies. The draft EA was available for public review from January 11, 2023 until March 10, 2023. After reviewing comments received, USACE finalized the Supplemental EA and signed a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) as the project does not constitute an action that would significantly affect the environment or human health. The Final Supplemental EA and the USACE FONSI is below. 

Town Creek Maintenance Dredging Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment
Town Creek Maintenance Dredging Final Finding Of No Significant Impact
Town Creek Maintenance Dredging Appendix A: Comments and Responses
Town Creek Maintenance Dredging Appendix B: USFWS ESA Consultation
Town Creek Maintenance Dredging Appendix C: EFH Programmatic Verification Form
Town Creek Maintenance Dredging Appendix D: Coastal Zone Consistency Determination
Town Creek Maintenance Dredging Appendix E: Section 401 Water Quality Certification
Town Creek Maintenance Dredging Appendix F: 404b1 Evaluation
Town Creek Maintenance Dredging Appendix G: SHPO Consultation

Murrells Inlet Maintenance Dredging

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District (Corps) has prepared a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, to assess the potential environmental effects of conducting maintenance dredging of Murrells Inlet Federal navigation channel (Murrells Inlet) in Georgetown County, South Carolina. The dredged sediments will be placed on the Garden City Beach and Huntington Island State Park.

USACE has prepared a Supplemental EA to communicate new environmental information and update the coordination between USACE, the public, and resource agencies. The draft EA was available for public review from November 15, 2022 until December 15, 2022. After reviewing comments received, USACE finalized the Supplemental EA and signed a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) as the project does not constitute an action that would significantly affect the environment or human health. The Final Supplemental EA and the USACE FONSI is below. 

Murrells Inlet Maintenance Dredging Environmental Assessment

Murrells Inlet Maintenance Dredging FONSI

Murrells Inlet Maintenance Dredging Appendix A - Public Comment Responses

Murrells Inlet Maintenance Dredging Appendix B - Coastal Barrier Resources Act

Murrells Inlet Maintenance Dredging Appendix C - USFWS Biological Opinion and Conference

Murrells Inlet Maintenance Dredging Appendix D - EFH Programmatic Consultation Verification Form

Murrells Inlet Maintenance Dredging Appendix E - Coastal Zone Consistency

Murrells Inlet Maintenance Dredging Appendix F - Water Quality Certification

Murrells Inlet Maintenance Dredging Appendix G - 404(b)(1) Evaluation

Murrells Inlet Maintenance Dredging Appendix H - SHPO Consultation

Lake Marion Regional Water System

Calhoun Reach - 2024

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), working in cooperation with the Lake Marion Regional Water Agency, the South Carolina Public Service Authority (Santee Cooper), and Calhoun County, is proposing to construct an extension to an existing potable water transmission main near the Town of Elloree, SC. This project would be constructed in two phases with the first extending the water transmission main to the north and west approximately 70,522 feet (13.4 miles) to the town of Cameron, as well as about 988 feet (0.2 miles) off Old Number Six Hwy to the Calhoun County EMS Station. The second phase would extend from Cameron Rd northwest about 41,225 feet (7.8 miles) to the Town of St. Matthews near Wertz Crossroad.

USACE has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, to assess the potential environmental effects.

Environmental Assessment (EA)

Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

Orangeburg-Berkeley Reach - 2024

This project is an extension of the Lake Marion Regional Water System. The project is the installation of a 20-inch potable water transmission main beginning southwest of the Town of Holly Hill and extending into Berkeley County, northeast of the Town of Ridgeville, SC, approximately 16 miles. The project parallels Boyer Road to the intersection with US Highway 176 and then continues to parallel US-176 to its southern terminus near the intersection with Center Line Road in Berkeley County, South Carolina.

Supplemental Information Report

Final Environmental Assessment

Finding of No Significant Impact

Winding Woods Reach – May 2021

This project is an extension of the Lake Marion Regional Water System. The project entails the construction of approximately 7.75 miles of a 16-inch potable water transmission main from the Town of Harleyville to near the Town of St. George in Dorchester County, SC and construction of a 500,000-gallon elevated storage tank near the Town of St. George.  The water transmission main will connect to the existing Harleyville Reach water main that was constructed in 2015.  The route of the water transmission main will follow Short Cut Road from Harleyville to US Highway 78, then follow US Highway 78 to its junction with Winding Wood Road, then north along Winding Wood Road for about 2100 feet where it terminates at the new elevated storage tank.  A water transmission main to St. George was proposed in the original 2004 Lake Marion Regional System Environmental Assessment.  The Winding Woods Reach project utilizes a different pipeline route than was originally proposed.  This project along with the previously constructed Harleyville Reach and Dorchester Reach is expected to satisfy the current and future potable water supply needs for a large portion of the western half of Dorchester County.

Supplemental Information Report

Dorchester Reach - September 2016

This project is an extension of the Lake Marion Regional Water System. The project would connect new 20 to 16-inch potable water transmission main to an existing 16-inch water transmission main near the Town of Harleyville and travel southward approximately 61,000 feet (11.5 miles) to near the town of Ridgeville. The route of the water transmission main would follow US Highway 178 to US Highway 78, then follow US Highway 78 to its junction with SC Highway 27, then north along Hwy 27 where it would terminate near the intersection of Hwy 27 and Interstate 26. With future expansions of the system to beyond the town of Ridgeville, the proposed project is expected to satisfy the current and future potable water supply needs for a large portion of the western half of Dorchester County.

Final Environmental Assessment and FONSI

Cultural Resources Report

Public Notice

Supplemental Information Report

Harleyville Reach - August 2014

This project is an extension of the Lake Marion Regional Water System. A new 16-inch potable water main will connect to an existing 24-inch water main near the Town of Holly Hill and will follow the SC Highway 453 corridor approximately 6-½ miles southward to the Town of Harleyville. With future expansion of the system beyond the Town of Harleyville, the proposed project is expected to satisfy the current and future potable water supply needs for a large portion of the western half of Dorchester County.

Final Environmental Assessment


Goodbys Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant- June 2011

This project involves the construction of a regional wastewater treatment plant in Orangeburg County, South Carolina. The proposed project consists of approximately 31 miles of wastewater transmission lines and a wastewater treatment plant constructed adjacent to Goodbys Creek near the intersection of U.S. Highway 301 and U.S. Highway 176. The wastewater treatment facility will serve the wastewater needs of the adjacent Matthews Industrial Park, the proposed Jafza International logistics/distribution center near Santee, expected residential development in unincorporated areas of southern Calhoun County, expected commercial development at the intersections of Hwy 176/I-95 and Hwy 15/I-95, and some of the wastewater needs for the Towns of Elloree and Santee. The treatment plant facility will use a membrane bioreactor treatment system to achieve tertiary treatment standards. The treated effluent will be discharged onto upland drip disposal fields in the vicinity of the treatment plant. The Corps is working on this project in cooperation with USDA Rural Development, Lake Marion Regional Water Agency, and Orangeburg County

Environmental Assessment Part 1 

Environmental Assessment Part 2

Environmental Assessment Part 3

Environmental Assessment Part 4

Environmental Assessment Part 5



Lake Marion Regional Water System - February 2004

The Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) were prepared for the construction of a regional potable water treatment plant near Town of Santee in Orangeburg County, South Carolina and the proposed construction of approximately 65 miles of water transmission mains in the Counties of Clarendon, Dorchester, and Orangeburg.  The project was expected to serve the potable water needs of the municipalities of Manning, Summerton, Santee, Elloree, Holly Hill, and St. George with future expansion to other nearby municipalities; however, the municipalities of Manning and Summerton have subsequently been dropped from the Lake Marion Regional Water System (LMRWS).   Expansion of the LMRWS beyond the original municipalities  covered by this EA and FONSI are covered by separate NEPA documents.  The Corps worked on this EA and FONSI in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency.

Environmental Assessment


Proposed Draft Master Plan – J. Strom Thurmond Project

Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the Savannah District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has prepared a Proposed Draft Master Plan (MP), Draft Environmental Assessment (EA), and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the J. Strom Thurmond Project.

The MP provides a programmatic approach to the management of all the lands included within the Thurmond Project boundary and serves as the basic document guiding USACE responsibilities pursuant to Federal laws to preserve, conserve, maintain, manage, and develop Thurmond Projects’ lands, waters, and associated resources. 

Strom Thurmond Lake is located at the border between Georgia and South Carolina in the Savannah River Basin. Copies of the DRAFT MP, DRAFT EA, and DRAFT FONSI may also be obtained from the Savannah District website

USACE is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State, and local agencies and officials; Native American Tribes; and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of the proposed action. Comments should be submitted in writing no later than Jan. 20, 2022 at noon to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 100 W Oglethorpe Avenue, Savannah, GA 30643 Attn: PM-P - Gose, or by e-mail to the following address:

2020 Real Property Master Plan – Fort Jackson

Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the Savannah District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has prepared a Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA), and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Fort Jackson 2020 Real Property Master Plan (RPMP).

Fort Jackson would be implementing the proposed 2020 RPMP and all its component plans: Installation Planning Standards, Real Property Vision Plan, and Area Development Plans for Palmetto and Villages Districts, Semmes District, and Victory District. The proposed projects would be completed, along with any associated demolition, as required to support all elements of the RPMP and any associated current and future mission requirements. Fort Jackson could accept any new missions that would require substantial renovation of, or additions to, the existing building stock or supporting infrastructure and the Installation would be able to modify land use to accommodate changes in on-going and future missions.

Fort Jackson is located within the Columbia city limits, approximately five miles east of the business district in Richland County, South Carolina. Copies of the DRAFT PEA and DRAFT FONSI may be obtained from the Savannah District website.

USACE is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State, and local agencies and officials; Native American Tribes; and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of the proposed activity. Comments should be submitted in writing no later than 12 Noon on 20 July 2021, to the Directorate of Public Works-Environmental Division, 2563 Essayons Way, Fort Jackson, SC 29207, Attn: Sarah Smith, or by e-mail to the following address:

Lake Hartwell Project | Georgia & South Carolina (2021)

Notice of Availability of the Master Plan, Draft Environmental Assessment (EA), and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Master Plan for Hartwell Lake Project in Georgia and South Carolina

Hartwell Lake is one of the southeast's largest and most popular public recreation lakes. Built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers between 1955 and 1963 as part of a flood control, hydropower, and navigation project, authorized purposes now include recreation, water quality, water supply, and fish and wildlife management. Each year, millions of people utilize the many public parks, marinas, and campgrounds conveniently located around the lake to pursue a variety of outdoor recreational experiences, making Lake Hartwell one of the most visited Corps lakes in the nation.

Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, the Savannah District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) has prepared a DRAFT EA and DRAFT FONSI for the Master Plan for Hartwell Lake Project, located in Northeast Georgia and Northwest South Carolina. Copies of these documents may be obtained from the Savannah District website.

The Corps is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State, and local agencies and officials; Native American Tribes; and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of the proposed activity. Comments should be submitted in writing no later than 12 Noon on 28 May 2021, to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 100 W Oglethorpe Avenue, Savannah, GA 30643, Attn: PM-P: Cynthia Gose, or by e-mail to the following address:

Please submit questions concerning this request here

Weston Lake - Fort Jackson

Ongoing embankment seepage and the potential loss of highly-erodible soils in the earthen emergency spillway during large flood events have compromised the integrity of the Weston Lake dam, which creates a potential risk for failure. Fort Jackson, with assistance from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, is developing a solution to improve the Weston Lake dam embankment and spillway.

USACE and Fort Jackson invite the public to review and comment on the Draft Environmental Assessment, the Draft Finding of No Practicable Alternative, and the proposed Draft Finding of No Significant Impact for 30 days, from July 28 to August 28, 2020. The documents may be obtained by clicking the below links. The Draft Finding of No Practicable Alternative is provided in the Draft EA appendices.

Comments should be submitted in writing by email to, or by letter mailed to the Planning and Environmental Branch at 69A Hagood Avenue, Charleston, South Carolina 29403.

 Click the envelope to provide comments on the Weston Lake dam repair.


Crabtree Swamp is a low-gradient coastal plain tributary that was previously modified to improve drainage for agricultural lands. The channel is a tributary to the Waccamaw River which drains to the Pee Dee River and the Atlantic Ocean. In an effort to restore the structure and function of the aquatic ecosystem in Crabtree Swamp, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Horry County signed a cost-sharing agreement in April 2019 to conduct a feasibility study for a proposed aquatic ecosystem restoration project. The results of the study are provided below in the draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment (with appendices). The study recommends measures to restore floodplain connectivity, improve and increase aquatic habitat, and reduce flow velocities associated with storm events. Comments on the report will be received until 5 pm on October 2, 2020. To send questions and comments, please send the project team an email


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Charleston District is assisting the U.S. Air Force (USAF) with preparation of a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) to analyze the impacts of conducting routine maintenance dredging of the Joint Base Charleston (JBC) navigation channels and berthing areas, including new and existing dredging units. The purpose is to provide and sustain sufficient depth for navigation and berthing of military vessels that support JBC’s water-borne missions.

The draft EA was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Council on Environmental Quality regulations, and the Air Force’s instructions implementing NEPA, and it evaluates potential impacts of the alternative actions on the environment including the no-action alternative.  Based on this analysis, the Air Force has prepared a proposed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).

The Air Force invites the public to review and comment on this draft EA and proposed FONSI for 30 days ending October 2, 2019. If you have questions or would like to provide comments, please contact Andrea W. Hughes at (843) 329-8145 or by email at

Myrtle Beach Coastal Storm Risk Management

FCCE Renourishment – 2024
As part of an authorized emergency rehabilitation of Myrtle Beach due to Hurricanes Ian and Nicole, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District (USACE) has prepared a supplemental information report to determine whether supplementation of previous environmental assessment is warranted. The current proposed project is to restore/rehabilitate all three reaches of the Myrtle Beach Project as a result of impacts from Hurricane Ian. The rehabilitation project would provide the restoration of the project’s protection benefits through the placement of approximately 1,428,200 cubic yards of beach-compatible sand to restore the project to full construction template. The work will require excavation of material from the Little River Borrow Area (Reach 1), Cane South Borrow Area (Reach 2), and the Surfside Borrow Area (Reach 3). The work will be performed with a hopper dredge, booster pump, and land based heavy equipment (i.e., bulldozers and front-end loaders) and is anticipated to start in late summer/early fall of 2024.

Environmental compliance information for current and previous renourishment actions can be found in the recent SIR as well as previous SIRs and EAs below. Questions regarding Myrtle Beach renourishments can be directed to Erica Fritz (Biologist) at (843) 329-8167 or

Supplemental Information Report


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Charleston District is currently involved in the planning phase of an emergency beach rehabilitation to portions of Myrtle Beach along the Grand Strand of South Carolina. The Myrtle Beach Storm Damage Reduction Project was authorized for construction by Section 101 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1990, Public Law 101-640, dated November 28, 1990 (WRDA 90): “MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA. The authorized project requires the construction of separate protective beach in three separate reaches, North Myrtle Beach (Reach 1); Myrtle Beach (Reach 2), and Garden City/Surfside Beach (Reach 3).” The City of Myrtle Beach is the non-federal sponsor for Reach 2. Rehabilitation of Reach 2 is needed now to repair damages from Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Matthew, combined with a periodic renourishment, to provide the full authorized level of protection. Food Control and Coastal Emergency (FCCE) funds through Public Law 114-254, Further Continuing and Security Assistant Appropriations Act of 2017, have been authorized for this action.

The proposed action will place approximately 1,100,000 cubic yards of beach-compatible sand from the approved Cane South borrow area located approximately three square miles offshore from Myrtle Beach in state waters, to approximately nine miles of shoreline along Reach 2 (City of Myrtle Beach) from Station 575 to Station 1050. The project is expected to commence from May to November of 2018.

The USACE has prepared a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) to communicate new environmental information since City of Myrtle Beach (Reach 2) was last renourished as part of the Myrtle Beach Storm Damage Reduction Project in 2007, and to facilitate coordination between the USACE, resource agencies, and the public. The USACE’s preliminary findings are that the proposed action does not have a significant adverse effect on the environment or human health, and thus, does not warrant the preparation of a supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. Links to the Draft EA and Draft FONSI can be found below. They are available for review from January 19, 2018 to February 20, 2018. Questions or comments on the draft documents can be directed to Bethney Ward at (843) 329-8162 or

The USACE and South Carolina DHEC have also issued a Joint Public Notice related to the South Carolina Coastal Zone Management Program. Comments are being received on the notice until March 20, 2018. 

Myrtle Beach Reach 1 (North Myrtle Beach) Restoration – March 2017

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Charleston District is currently involved in the planning phase of a beach emergency repair in the Grand Strand (Myrtle Beach) of Horry County, South Carolina. The Myrtle Beach Project was authorized for construction by Section 101 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1990, Public Law 101-640, dated November 28, 1990 (WRDA 90): “MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA. The authorized project requires the construction of separate protective beach in three separate reaches, North Myrtle Beach (Reach 1), Myrtle Beach (Reach 2), and Garden City/Surfside Beach (Reach 3).” The total project reach is 25.3 miles.

Funding is available for Reach 1 North Myrtle Beach. The proposed project is the restoration of a Federal Coastal Storm Damage Reduction project damaged by recent floods and coastal storm.  The proposed project restores approximately 3.3 miles of shoreline along North Myrtle Beach. Preliminary investigations of the quantity of sand required to rebuild the construction template reveal that about 362,000 cubic yards of sand from the Little River borrow site will be placed along North Myrtle Beach.

USACE has prepared a Supplemental EA to communicate new environmental information and update the coordination between USACE, the public, and resource agencies. The draft EA is available for public review from March 17, 2017 until April 17, 2017. The Draft Supplemental EA and the Draft FONSI are below. If you have any questions or require additional information at this time, please contact Jesse Helton at (843) 329-8145 or by email at

Last year, The Corps prepared an EA with a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for Reach 3 (Garden City/Surfside) of the Myrtle Beach Storm Damage Reduction Project.  The project was anticipated to have been constructed throughout the fall and winter of 2016/2017; however, due to contracting constraints the project construction was postponed.  The Corps now intends to issue a contract for the construction of both Reach 1 and 3 and the same time.  Documentation for Reach 3 is available for reference under the Reach 3 Section of this web page.

Myrtle Beach Reach 3 (Garden City/Surfside Beach) Renourishment - August 2016

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Charleston District is currently involved in the planning phase of a beach re-nourishment effort in the Grand Strand (Myrtle Beach) of Horry County, South Carolina. The Myrtle Beach Project was authorized for construction by Section 101 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1990, Public Law 101-640, dated November 28, 1990 (WRDA 90): “MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA. The authorized project requires the construction of separate protective beach in three separate reaches, North Myrtle Beach (Reach 1), Myrtle Beach (Reach 2), and Garden City/Surfside Beach (Reach 3).” The total project reach is 25.3 miles.

Currently, funding is only available for Reach 3, Garden City/Surfside. The proposed project is a periodic nourishment of a previously approved USACE Hurricane and Storm Damage Reduction Project. The project provides for renourishment of approximately 7.7 miles of shoreline from Myrtle Beach State Park to a point approximately 2 miles north of Murrells Inlet. Preliminary investigations of the quantity of sand required to rebuild the construction template reveal that about 700,000 cubic yards of sand from the Surfside borrow site will be placed along Garden City and Surfside Beach. It is likely that a portion of the project will use sand from the outer continental shelf (OCS) and a portion will come from inside the OCS boundary. USACE intends to request a noncompetitive lease from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) for OCS sand from the Surfside borrow area and BOEM is a cooperating agency on this project.

USACE and BOEM have prepared a Supplemental EA to communicate new environmental information and update the coordination between USACE, the public, and resource agencies. The draft EA was available for public review from May 10, 2016 until June 9, 2016. After reviewing comments received, USACE finalized the Supplemental EA and signed a Finding of No Significant Impact as the project does not constitute an action that would significantly affect the environment or human health. The Final Supplemental EA and the USACE FONSI is below. BOEM will be issuing a separate FONSI before the start of the project. If you have any questions or require additional information at this time, please contact Mark Messersmith at (843) 329-8162 or by email at

Charleston Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site - July 2016

Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Region 4, in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Charleston District has prepared a Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) on modification of the Charleston Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS) offshore Charleston Harbor, Charleston, South Carolina. A draft of this document was made available for public review in December 2015 and January 2016.

The EA was jointly prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Charleston District to fulfill the reporting requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended. The EPA is the lead Federal agency and the USACE is a cooperating agency. The EA provides the information necessary to evaluate need and alternatives to the modification of the ODMDS pursuant to Section 102 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) of 1972, as amended. The purpose of the ODMDS modification is to accommodate disposal of dredged material from the planned Charleston Harbor Deepening Study (called “Post 45”), as well as maintenance dredged material and dredged material from non-Federal entities. The EA considers six action alternatives for meeting continued and anticipated dredging needs. Two alternatives are carried forward for detailed analysis. Alternative 1 is the preferred alternative. Although it designates a new ODMDS of approximately 9.8 mi2, it would formally de-designate approximately 10.4 mi2 of the current ODMDS. All planned dredged material for disposal at the ODMDS must meet the environmental criteria established in EPA’s Ocean Dumping Regulations. The EA contains a Draft Site Management and Monitoring Plan (SMMP) (Appendix C). The MPRSA requires that these plans be developed prior to designation with an opportunity for public comment.

On July 13, 2016, the Environmental Protection Agency posted a proposed rule in the Federal Register. Rulemaking is the final step in the Section 102 site designation process. The proposed rule is open for comment until August 12, 2016. Please see to review the proposed rule.

If there are any questions concerning this ODMDS modification, please contact Mr. Mark Messersmith, USACE at, or Mr. Gary Collins, USEPA, at

Murrells Inlet Federal Navigation Project

Authorized in 1971 and constructed between 1977 and 1981, the Murrells Inlet Navigation Project consists of two jetties, a deposition basin, an entrance channel, two inner channels and a turning basin. The initial project provided for an Entrance Channel 300 feet wide, 10 feet deep and extends 3,900 feet from –12-foot ocean contour.  Inner Channel A is 200 feet wide, 10 feet deep and extends from the entrance channel to the mouth of Main Creek, approximately 2000 feet.  Inner Channel B is 90 feet wide, 8 feet deep and extends to an old Army crash boat dock where it terminates with a turning basin 300 feet long and 150 feet wide.  The Auxiliary Channel is 200 feet wide, 10 feet deep and is approximately 1000 feet long.  The Entrance Channel is stabilized by ocean jetties extending seaward 3,445 feet and 3,319 feet on the north and south sides of the Inlet, respectively (Figure I). The north jetty was constructed with a weir section at the north end to allow for passage of sediment within the littoral drift traveling essentially between the shoreline and the –4-foot contour.  Inside the north jetty is a deposition basin that has the capacity to hold up to 600,000 cubic yards of material.  The project resulted in approximately 1,103,300 cubic yards being initially excavated. 


The project also authorized routine maintenance of the federal channel.  Historically, past maintenance was limited to the entrance channel, the depositional basin, Inner Channel A and the upper reaches of Inner Channel B.  The materials that were excavated with both initial construction and previous maintenance efforts was used to either enhance the storm damage reduction project on Garden City Beach or placed within the intertidal zone of the Huntington Beach State Park, near the terminal end of the South jetty.  The material place on Huntington Beach State Park served to restore shorebird habitat and provide protection for the jetty.  The impacts of the previous maintenance projects are addressed in a 2001 Environmental Assessment completed by the US Army Corps of Engineers.

Polk Swamp - June 2016

Polk Swamp is a Continuing Authorities Program Section 206 Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Project. The project is located west of the Town of St. George in Dorchester County, S.C., and begins just south of Polk Swamp’s intersection with Interstate 95 and follows Polk Swamp for approximately five miles to the swamp’s intersection with US Highway 15. This study was conducted under Section 206, Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration, of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1996 (P. L. 104-303), as amended. The goals of this study were to restore the natural hydro period of Polk Swamp, remove invasive vegetation and prevent reestablishment, and to restore the cypress-tupelo and bottomland hardwood forest that historically existed there. With approval of the Final EA and FONSI, project construction is hereby approved to start.

ASLAC MRAP - November 2014

Draft Environmental Assessment for Establishing Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicle Storage and Repair Facilities at Joint Base Charleston/Army Strategic Logistics Activity Charleston, South Carolina.

To accomplish this mission, the Army proposes to construct and operate enclosed MRAP vehicle storage space, a vehicle maintenance facility, an armory, and supporting facilities. This action would result in the construction and operation of enclosed MRAP vehicle storage spaces, a vehicle maintenance facility, an armory, and supporting facilities. The enclosed vehicle storage space would consist of 12 dehumidified metal buildings of approximately 133,000 square feet each, a vehicle maintenance facility consisting of a 53,544 SF, 38-bay, metal building, a concrete-hardened 9000 square foot armory, and supporting facilities such as utilities and connections, lighting, parking, walkways, curb and gutter, and storm drainage. All constructed facilities would be of permanent construction. 

The proposed facilities would be constructed on a 95 acres wooded tract of land north and adjacent to the existing ASLAC facilities. The project area contains 0.76 acres of jurisdictional wetlands that may be impacted, however, the project area is located out of the floodplain and will not impact any federally listed species, critical habitat, or any known cultural or historic resources.


Charleston Harbor Deepening- 1996

In 1996, Charleston District prepared a Feasibility Study and an Environmental Assessment to support deepening Charleston Harbor to 45 feet. These documents are available for download.

Charleston Harbor Advanced Maintenance Dredging- September 2009

The Charleston District has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) and a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) to cover maintenance dredging depths not addressed in the 1996 Feasibility Study and 1996 EA for deepening and widening Charleston Harbor. The 1996 Report/EA discussed dredging depths of 45 feet plus 2 feet of advanced maintenance and 2 feet of allowable overdepth (45+2+2). However, because of high shoaling rates, some sections of the harbor were dredged to depths of either 45 feet plus 4 feet of advanced maintenance and 2 feet of allowable overdepth (45+4+2) or 45 feet plus 6 feet of advance maintenance and 2 feet of allowable overdepth (45+6+2). The additional advance maintenance dredging allows the harbor to be maintained on a 12 to 18-month frequency instead of a 6-month frequency.

Myrtle Beach Renourishment- July 2007

Environmental Assessment for the Grand Strand Storm Damage Reduction Project in North Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach & Surfside Beach, South Carolina in Horry & Georgetown Counties – Myrtle Beach and vicinity, known as the Grand Strand, is a major recreational and economic resource for the state of South Carolina. The main attraction to the Grand Strand is the coastal beaches. Despite state and local efforts to protect and preserve the beach resources, the problems of protecting existing coastal development from erosion and winter storm tides remain an extreme concern. The recommended plan involved the construction of 25.4 miles of protective beach on three independent reaches. All nourishment came from offshore borrow areas. These borrow areas are from 1.5 to 5 miles offshore from the beaches to be nourished.