Calhoun Reach - 2024
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), working in cooperation with the Lake Marion Regional Water Agency, the South Carolina Public Service Authority (Santee Cooper), and Calhoun County, is proposing to construct an extension to an existing potable water transmission main near the Town of Elloree, SC. This project would be constructed in two phases with the first extending the water transmission main to the north and west approximately 70,522 feet (13.4 miles) to the town of Cameron, as well as about 988 feet (0.2 miles) off Old Number Six Hwy to the Calhoun County EMS Station. The second phase would extend from Cameron Rd northwest about 41,225 feet (7.8 miles) to the Town of St. Matthews near Wertz Crossroad.
USACE has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, to assess the potential environmental effects.
Environmental Assessment (EA)
Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
Orangeburg-Berkeley Reach - 2024
This project is an extension of the Lake Marion Regional Water System. The project is the installation of a 20-inch potable water transmission main beginning southwest of the Town of Holly Hill and extending into Berkeley County, northeast of the Town of Ridgeville, SC, approximately 16 miles. The project parallels Boyer Road to the intersection with US Highway 176 and then continues to parallel US-176 to its southern terminus near the intersection with Center Line Road in Berkeley County, South Carolina.
Supplemental Information Report
Final Environmental Assessment
Finding of No Significant Impact
Winding Woods Reach – May 2021
This project is an extension of the Lake Marion Regional Water System. The project entails the construction of approximately 7.75 miles of a 16-inch potable water transmission main from the Town of Harleyville to near the Town of St. George in Dorchester County, SC and construction of a 500,000-gallon elevated storage tank near the Town of St. George. The water transmission main will connect to the existing Harleyville Reach water main that was constructed in 2015. The route of the water transmission main will follow Short Cut Road from Harleyville to US Highway 78, then follow US Highway 78 to its junction with Winding Wood Road, then north along Winding Wood Road for about 2100 feet where it terminates at the new elevated storage tank. A water transmission main to St. George was proposed in the original 2004 Lake Marion Regional System Environmental Assessment. The Winding Woods Reach project utilizes a different pipeline route than was originally proposed. This project along with the previously constructed Harleyville Reach and Dorchester Reach is expected to satisfy the current and future potable water supply needs for a large portion of the western half of Dorchester County.
Supplemental Information Report
Dorchester Reach - September 2016
This project is an extension of the Lake Marion Regional Water System. The project would connect new 20 to 16-inch potable water transmission main to an existing 16-inch water transmission main near the Town of Harleyville and travel southward approximately 61,000 feet (11.5 miles) to near the town of Ridgeville. The route of the water transmission main would follow US Highway 178 to US Highway 78, then follow US Highway 78 to its junction with SC Highway 27, then north along Hwy 27 where it would terminate near the intersection of Hwy 27 and Interstate 26. With future expansions of the system to beyond the town of Ridgeville, the proposed project is expected to satisfy the current and future potable water supply needs for a large portion of the western half of Dorchester County.
Final Environmental Assessment and FONSI
Cultural Resources Report
Public Notice
Supplemental Information Report
Harleyville Reach - August 2014
This project is an extension of the Lake Marion Regional Water System. A new 16-inch potable water main will connect to an existing 24-inch water main near the Town of Holly Hill and will follow the SC Highway 453 corridor approximately 6-½ miles southward to the Town of Harleyville. With future expansion of the system beyond the Town of Harleyville, the proposed project is expected to satisfy the current and future potable water supply needs for a large portion of the western half of Dorchester County.
Final Environmental Assessment
Goodbys Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant- June 2011
This project involves the construction of a regional wastewater treatment plant in Orangeburg County, South Carolina. The proposed project consists of approximately 31 miles of wastewater transmission lines and a wastewater treatment plant constructed adjacent to Goodbys Creek near the intersection of U.S. Highway 301 and U.S. Highway 176. The wastewater treatment facility will serve the wastewater needs of the adjacent Matthews Industrial Park, the proposed Jafza International logistics/distribution center near Santee, expected residential development in unincorporated areas of southern Calhoun County, expected commercial development at the intersections of Hwy 176/I-95 and Hwy 15/I-95, and some of the wastewater needs for the Towns of Elloree and Santee. The treatment plant facility will use a membrane bioreactor treatment system to achieve tertiary treatment standards. The treated effluent will be discharged onto upland drip disposal fields in the vicinity of the treatment plant. The Corps is working on this project in cooperation with USDA Rural Development, Lake Marion Regional Water Agency, and Orangeburg County
Environmental Assessment Part 1
Environmental Assessment Part 2
Environmental Assessment Part 3
Environmental Assessment Part 4
Environmental Assessment Part 5
Lake Marion Regional Water System - February 2004
The Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) were prepared for the construction of a regional potable water treatment plant near Town of Santee in Orangeburg County, South Carolina and the proposed construction of approximately 65 miles of water transmission mains in the Counties of Clarendon, Dorchester, and Orangeburg. The project was expected to serve the potable water needs of the municipalities of Manning, Summerton, Santee, Elloree, Holly Hill, and St. George with future expansion to other nearby municipalities; however, the municipalities of Manning and Summerton have subsequently been dropped from the Lake Marion Regional Water System (LMRWS). Expansion of the LMRWS beyond the original municipalities covered by this EA and FONSI are covered by separate NEPA documents. The Corps worked on this EA and FONSI in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency.
Environmental Assessment