Lowcountry Engineers, Military Missions and Economic Development in the Charleston District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This book by author Jamie W. Moore covers the history of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Charleston and throughout South Carolina starting with the first English settlement in 1670 through 1978. The book traces the Corps’ expansive body of work that began with the construction of fortifications, then grew to include the deepening of harbors, construction of inland waterways, flood control and environmental protection.
The Lowcountry Engineers, Years of Challenge Years of Change. This update to the Charleston District’s history is the work of Authors Jamie W. Moore and Dorothy Perrin Moore. Picking up where the 1st history left off, it covers the period 1978 to 2012. It highlights the District’s continuing mission in South Carolina and beyond with particular emphasis on the deepening and maintenance of Charleston Harbor, including the re-diversion of the Cooper River to save the harbor from possible ruin, the expansion of the District’s regulatory mission, and the return of military construction at Fort Jackson.