Myrtle Beach Renourishment

In December 2024, the Charleston District awarded a contract to Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company to place two million cubic yards of material on Myrtle Beach, equivalent to 200,000 dump trucks, along 26 miles of coastline. The renourishment is funded entirely by the Corps of Engineers and will cost $72 million. The project will help reduce the risk to life and infrastructure behind the dunes along the Grand Strand. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Myrtle Beach Renourishment project?

  • The Charleston District awarded a contract to Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company to place two million cubic yards of material on North Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach and Surfside/Garden City, equivalent to 200,000 dump trucks, along 26 miles of coastline. The renourishment is funded entirely by the Corps of Engineers and will cost $72 million. The project will help reduce the risk to life and infrastructure behind the dunes along the Grand Strand.

How can I get project updates?

  • A project tracker is located on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Charleston Districts website which will be updated daily to show the exact locations where the work in occurring and the beach is closed due to that work. Keep in mind the project moves quickly so a particular area is not closed for more than a few days at a time. Project updates are also available on the Charleston District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Facebook page @CharlestonCorps, Instagram @CharlestonCorps, and on X @CharlestonCorps.
  • Link to tracker:

How long will the project take?

  • The project is expected to begin in the spring of 2025 taking approximately 18 months. Weather and equipment can impact the schedule. Further information on the construction timeline will be released once the contractors work plan is finalized and a mobilization date had been coordinated.

Why is this renourishment happening?

  • Following Hurricanes Debby and Ian, North Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach, and Surfside/Garden City requested a post storm damage assessment of the beach. The assessment concluded that a renourishment was necessary, and funding was appropriated.

How will sea turtles and migratory shorebirds be protected during construction?

  • The Corps, in conjunction with Horry County, will conduct migratory shorebird and sea turtle monitoring daily and relocate sea turtle nests if necessary. If there are any sea turtle nests in the construction area, they will be monitored and protected until the hatchlings have emerged from the nest. After daily environmental species monitoring and sea turtle nest relocations have been completed, beach work will commence. However, construction operations in the area will cease if sea turtles are present at any time.

What about public safety?

  • For the safety of the public, the section of the beach being worked on, and the access area associated with that section be closed during the active construction. The contractor will work in 1000 feet wide sections at a time. Only the sections where the contractor is actively working will be closed to the public. Most of the beach will remain open as usual.

What is the cost for the project?

  • The contract awarded was for $72,000,000.00 and the project is 100% federally funded through emergency authorization.

What is the project location?

  • This project will renourish the eroded shoreline along 26 miles of the Grand Strand which includes Surfside/Garden City, Myrtle Beach and North Myrtle Beach.

What is the project purpose?

  • The project provides coastal storm risk management, including beach erosion control and hurricane surge protection. Beach renourishment projects reduce the risks of storm damage to life and infrastructure behind the dunes, preserve wildlife, support the economy, and build coastal resiliency.

When will construction occur?

  • The contractor will work seven days a week 24 hours a day. Contractor will not work on approved holidays or during inclement weather.

Why has the cost risen considerably from the last time (2018) we renourished the Grand Strand?

  • The cost of beach renourishment projects regionally has increased significantly due to rising equipment cost and regional demand. Hopper dredges, essential for sourcing and placing sand, have become particularly expensive, adding strain to restoration efforts.


January 15, 2025 Press Release

Charleston District Awards Contract to Begin Myrtle Beach Renourishment

Myrtle Beach, S.C. --- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Charleston District recently awarded a contract to renourish Myrtle Beach due to damages caused by Hurricanes Ian and Debby.

In December 2024, the Charleston District awarded a contract to Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company to place two million cubic yards of material on Myrtle Beach, equivalent to 200,000 dump trucks, along 26 miles of coastline. The renourishment is funded entirely by the Corps of Engineers and will cost $72 million. The project will help reduce the risk to life and infrastructure behind the dunes along the Grand Strand. We look forward to starting this important work for the area in the near future as we realize the impact to the local, state, and federal economies. Approximately 17.6 million people visit the Grand Strand area annually with an economic impact of $12.5 billion.

Hurricane Ian struck Myrtle Beach and the South Carolina coast in September 2022 and Hurricane Debby in August 2024, causing severe erosion to the beach. The project performed as designed, reducing the damages to the infrastructure behind the beach.

Safety is our top priority during the beach renourishment project. Construction zones will be clearly marked, and we will urge everyone to stay outside of these areas and respect signage and barriers. Heavy equipment, such as bulldozers and pipelines, will be in operation, and maintaining a safe distance ensures the protection of both workers and the public. By working together and following safety guidelines, we can complete this vital project efficiently while keeping everyone safe.

Further information on the construction timeline will be released once the contractors work plan is finalized and a mobilization date had been coordinated.

There is an online tracker available on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Charleston Districts website which will be updated daily to show the exact locations where the beach is being impacted by the project.

Link to tracker: 

To get updates on the renourishment, follow @CharlestonCorps on Facebook, Instagram and X (Formerly Twitter).


Contact Information:

Point Of Contact: Emily Stark
Email: Emily.E.Stark@USACE.Army.Mil
Phone: 843-360-3879