Commercial requesters are required to pay all search, review, and duplication costs.
Educational and noncommercial scientific institutions, as well as news media requesters, are required to pay duplication costs in excess of 100 pages. Fee waivers may be requested.
All other requesters are required to pay search costs in excess of two hours and duplication costs in excess of 100 pages. Fee waivers may be requested.
Fees are not assessed for requests totaling less than $15.00, regardless of requester category.
To request a fee waiver or reduction you must provide specific justification as to how the requested information will be used and made available to the general public. In general, you must justify that the requested information “is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to the public understanding of the operation or activities of the government” and that it is not requested “primarily in the commercial interest of the requester”. (Army Regulation, AR 25-55, The Department of the Army Freedom of Information Act Program, dated 1 Nov 97, paragraph 6-103.)