ArticleCS - Article View


Published July 27, 2018
Expiration date: 8/27/2018
The proposed work consists of expanding two on-site overburden storage areas at the Greenwood Quarry. The proposed work will accommodate overburden produced as a result of on-going quarry expansion. In detail, the proposed activities consists of impacts to 1.307 acres of freshwater wetland and 871 linear feet of perennial tributaries. The applicant has proposed to mitigate for impacts to wetlands and/or waters of the United States by purchasing the 12.8 wetland compensatory credits and 4,007 compensatory stream credits from a mitigation bank. According to the applicant, if the necessary credits are unavailable, they will propose alternative compensatory mitigation. The project purpose is to provide additional overburden on-site and fines storage area to the support the Greenwood Quarry.