ArticleCS - Article View


Published Oct. 14, 2021
Expiration date: 10/28/2021

The proposed work consists of performing maintenance dredging on the 26th Street Canal totaling 1.95 acres located adjacent to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW).  In detail, the applicant is requesting authorization under a ten-year permit to dredge using either a hydraulic cutterhead dredge or a mechanical dredge.  The applicant is requesting both forms of dredging to provide for greater flexibility.  When hydraulically dredging, the material would be transported via pipeline to nearby Dredge Material Placement Facilities (DMPF) 1088S/1100S W-C, 1056S W-C, or 970S W-C.  When mechanical dredging, the material would be placed into a scow and transported to one of the DMPFs.  The applicant proposes to dredge approximately 8,000-10,000 cubic yards for each maintenance event to a depth of -7 feet MLW with an allowable 1’ over depth.  The applicant was previously authorized to these depths under DA permit SAC-2010-00851 which expired March 31, 2021.  As there are no impacts to wetlands and no loss of waters of the U.S., the applicant is not proposing mitigation.  The project purpose is to provide safe, navigation operation depths at all tidal stages within the 26th Street Canal to serve the adjacent residential homeowners/applicant.