SAC-2013-00657 Through 00669

Published Jan. 17, 2018
Expiration date: 2/15/2018
The District Engineer, Charleston District proposes to issue a General Permit to the General Public on Duke owned lakes to authorize, where such authorizations are required, dredging, filling, construction or alteration, repair and maintenance activities of private non-commercial docks and boat lifts; dock anchors; buoys and signs; mooring structures; boat houses and boat shelters; existing marine railways; existing boat ramps; bulkheads or retainer walls; rip-rap or bioengineering for erosion control;, minor excavation for access not affecting the Project Boundary; debris removal; debris removal; speculation facilities; structures associated with heat exchange coils, intake pipes for residential irrigation, geothermal use, and dry hydrants; subaqueous utility lines; overhead power and communication lines; scientific measuring devices and scientific survey activities; fish attractors, fishery enhancement, and aquaculture activities by the adjacent property owner; maintenance for dry storage,  and minor excavation by the adjacent shoreline property owners in Duke owned lakes.

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