Major Jermaine Anderson is the Acting Charleston District Deputy Commander.
MAJ Jermaine D. Anderson joined the United States Marine Corps Reserve (USMCR) in 1989 as an enlisted Landing Support Specialist. After serving nine years in the USMCR, he graduated from Savannah State University in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronics Engineering Technology. He then enlisted in the Georgia Army National Guard in 2003 and thereafter was commissioned as a second lieutenant after completing the Alabama Military Academy’s Officer Candidate School in 2008.
In 2008, Anderson was assigned as an engineer officer in the Georgia Army National Guard. After completion of Engineer Basic Officer Leadership Course (EBOLC) at Fort Leonard Wood, he served a platoon leader, brigade safety officer, and company commander for the 876th Engineer Company (Horizontal), the 78th Troop Command, and the 177th Engineer Company (Topographic), respectively.
Anderson has served in a variety of capacities to include key developmental and broadening assignments. He served as an enlisted infantryman with 2-121, Alpha Company, 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom III (OIF III) (2005 – 2006). Commanded the only National Guard Topographic Engineer Company (2011 – 2015). Anderson was the Forward Logistics Element (FLE) Officer In Charge (OIC) at the Kobani Landing Zone (2017 – 2018). He then served as the Chief of Operations for the United States Army Central Command G4 (2019 – 2021). Anderson served in the USCENTCOM Sub-Area Petroleum Office (SAPO) as the Assistant Petroleum Officer for Operation Freedom Sentinel, Operation Inherent Resolve, Operation Spartan Shield, and Multinational Forces and Observers (Sinai) (2021-2022). Upon returning from the CENTCOM AOR, Anderson served as the deputy branch chief of CUOPS, Logistics Operations Division, FORSCOM G4 (2022-2023). December 2023 - present, Anderson is serving as the G3, Readiness and Contingency Operations, U.S. Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division.
Anderson is a graduate of The Army Logistics University becoming a Multifunctional Logistics Officer in 2014. In 2021, he became a Petroleum Officer upon completing the Petroleum and Water Officers Course at Fort Lee. Anderson’s numerous awards and decorations for his achievements in both combat and peacetime operations include the Bronze Star Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Officer Strength Management Badge, and the Combat Action Badge. He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Organizational Management.
Anderson has five children. They enjoy hosting family gatherings, attending sporting events, cooking together, and appreciating nature (fishing, hiking, state parks, cabins, and things of that manner).