CHARLESTON, S.C. — The Charleston Peninsula Coastal Flood Risk Management Study - a three-year, $3 million federal study to develop a feasible peninsula-wide coastal storm risk reduction plan – was released on April 20, 2020. In recognition of the importance of this project and circumstances associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, the standard 30-day comment period was already expanded to the initial 60-day comment period which ends on June 19, 2020. The public is requested to provide comments on the contents of the draft feasibility report and environmental assessment and the Corps gratefully acknowledges the numerous comments already received.
Prior to submission of a final report, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District will host a second public comment period. This 30-day comment period will occur sometime in early 2021. The purpose of the additional public comment period will be to give the community an opportunity to provide input on new aspects of the analysis that post-date the current draft feasibility report and environmental assessment, including optimization of the storm surge wall alignment, environmental considerations and nonstructural measures, before the report is made final.
“We recognize how important this study is to the peninsula and the potential far-reaching benefits it could provide to the community. That’s why we’re doing things a little differently and will incorporate the community’s feedback at various stages of the study. The Corps is committed to developing the strongest plan,” said Lt. Col. Rachel Honderd, commander, Charleston District.
In the meantime, the community is encouraged to read and provide feedback on the draft report through June 19 to ensure that its input may inform the team’s ongoing analysis and further development of the draft plan over the next several months. During the 2021 review period, the community should focus its comments on ongoing optimization decisions regarding storm surge wall alignment and elevation, changes in environmental considerations, and further development of nonstructural measures. All comments and questions will be addressed in the final report.
During this time of social distancing, virtual office hours will be held May 7, 14, 21 and 28 from 4 - 6 p.m. This is an excellent opportunity for the public to speak with a member of the project delivery team, one on one, to have their questions answered. The call-in phone number will be listed on our website beginning May 7th at Please leave your name and contact information if the project manager is talking with another citizen and your call will be returned. An Interactive Module is available on the website which can be used to see detailed aspects of the selected plan, alternatives, history of peninsula flooding and more.
To provide feedback on the report, complete the digital comment form or send written comments to the Environmental & Planning Office at 69A Hagood Ave, Charleston, SC 29412.