President Releases Fiscal 2014 Budget for Charleston District’s Civil Works Program

Published April 10, 2013

Charleston, SC- Today, the White House released the President’s Budget for fiscal year 2014, which included more than $22.7 million for the civil works program of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District.


The budget includes $1.165 million for the Charleston Harbor Post 45 project to continue feasibility study efforts, which include completion of numerous environmental impact assessments leading up to the completion and release to the public of the draft environmental impact statement and draft study recommendation by the summer of 2014.


“We have made great strides on the Post 45 feasibility study in the last year and look forward to continuing this as we go forward,” said Lt. Col. Ed Chamberlayne, Charleston District commander. “We have shortened the timeline and reduced the budget for this study in our efforts to complete this process as quickly and efficiently as possible while looking for the most economically beneficial and environmentally acceptable option for the nation. We are on track to complete our final study recommendation for the Charleston Harbor by September 2015.”


The budget also allocated more than $14.8 million for maintaining Charleston Harbor by performing dredging in the entrance channel and upper harbor, condition surveys, environmental activities, and disposal area maintenance in Clouter Creek.


The Folly Beach project did not receive funding for periodic beach renourishment of the 5.47 miles of shoreline that make up the federal project. The President’s Budget focuses constrained resources on the highest-performing projects, leaving some without funding. The Charleston District will continue to coordinate with the Town of Folly Beach to evaluate possibilities to restore the beach.


Chamberlayne added that the District will use the 2014 fiscal year funds to efficiently and effectively complete our missions and provide quality service to South Carolina and the nation.


The Charleston District uses the announcement of the President’s Budget to continue planning for FY14 and detail what steps can be taken on each project. The remaining funding was given for the Cooper River Rediversion Project, the Charleston Harbor dredged material disposal facility, project condition surveys and inspections of completed works.



Glenn Jeffries

Release no. 13-0401