Draft Environmental Impact Statement Released for the proposed Haile Gold Mine project

Published March 14, 2014

Who: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District, in cooperation with South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control

What: The Charleston District has released the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Haile Gold Mine project near Kershaw, S.C. in Lancaster County. The proposed project is to reactivate the existing gold mine, expand the area for open pit mining and construct associated facilities. If you are a member of the media and would like to receive a copy of the DEIS on a CD, please email your address to hailegoldmineeis@cardno.com.

When: Today  

Where: http://hailegoldmineeis.com/documents.php

Why: A Draft Environmental Impact Statement has been completed for the proposed project as part of the federal and state permit application processes and pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. The DEIS evaluates the proposed project as well as a range of alternatives to assess the potential social, economic and environmental effects of the proposed construction and operation of a gold mine, in particular with respect to effects on wetlands, streams, and other waters of the United States. The DEIS is now available to the public for review and comment. A public hearing to receive comments on the DEIS will be held Thursday, April 24 at 7:00 p.m. at the Andrew Jackson Recreation Center, 6354 N. Matson Street, Kershaw, S.C. 29067. The Public Hearing will be preceded by an informal open house from 5:00-7:00 p.m. to allow interested individuals to discuss the DEIS with representatives from the Charleston District and South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.

Contact: Sean McBride, public affairs specialist, 843-329-8103


Sean McBride

Release no. 14-0302