Secret service, police, security check points, lots of media, four politicians, one Army general, the Secretary of Transportation, the Vice President and approximately 150 guests made for a very exciting day for the Charleston District and its cost share sponsor, the South Carolina State Ports Authority. Vice President Joe Biden came to town as part of his tour of ports along the eastern seaboard.
The Charleston Harbor was identified last summer as one of the seven nationally significant infrastructure projects that needed to be expedited as part of President Obama’s “We Can’t Wait” initiative. Being at the forefront of the Corps’ national civil works transformation, the District has been able to modernize and streamline the Charleston Harbor Post 45 Feasibility Study planning process to produce a final report faster and at a lower cost.
“It has been the most exciting and challenging project of my career,” said Brian Williams, Post 45 project manager. “This day provided additional emphasis to the project delivery team of how important this project is to the nation.”