What is your position?
Chief of Navigation
Describe your job.
I oversee the maintenance of the navigable waterways and harbors within the Charleston District. My primary responsibilities include supervision of plans and specifications for channel dredging and dredged material placement and confirming that all required dredging has been accomplished. I am looking forward to continuing to build relationships with our local, state and federal partners as we ensure that all navigation projects are successful.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
I am very excited to be a part of a program that has such a positive effect on local, state and national interests. The navigation team’s work has a direct influence on commerce, recreation and our local quality of life and that is very rewarding.
Highlight a notable milestone or memory in your career.
I had the opportunity to support recovery efforts in the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina. I was part of a team that went there right after the storm hit to assess the damage done to facilities and oversee the stabilization of facilities. It was very satisfying knowing I was an integral part of a team that helped start the long path to recovery, thereby allowing those who were directly impacted by the storm to concentrate on taking care of themselves and their families.
What goals do you hope to accomplish in your new position?
Now that the Charleston Harbor Post 45 Deepening Project Final Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement has been approved by the Civil Works Review Board, I anticipate that navigation will be an essential part of the District’s successful delivery of this critically important project. My goal is to ensure that navigation maintains close coordination and communication with the Post 45 team and our local partners to provide quality, timely and cost effective support to the project.