What is your position?
Civil Works Project Manager for the Charleston Harbor Post 45 Deepening Project
Describe your job.
I am responsible for ensuring that a federally funded project is completed on time and within budget. I manage the project budget, track project milestones, and conduct project coordination to move the project toward completion with the everyday contributions of the Charleston District team and external sponsors and stakeholders. I strive to think about the overall project in advance and seek information and guidance in order to make decisions that reduce the risk of issues towards project implementation.
What is the most unique thing that you bring to the District?
I am passionate about the civil works programs for the services we provide, but I know this is not unique after seeing the dedication of my co-workers, despite the policy challenges that are often associated with our work. I have experience in multiple aspects of the civil works program, but I am excited for the challenges and professional growth of my everyday duties.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
The most rewarding part of the job is to see the implementation of civil works projects that are important to the District, our sponsors and the communities in which we work and live. Also, site visits to beaches or on boats are a definite plus!
Highlight a notable milestone or memory in your career.
I keep a jar of beach quality sand at my desk that was a gift from my first federal project that was constructed. Also, I completed my master’s degree with a successful thesis defense in July 2014 after several years of effort to complete classes at night and a couple more years of on and off thesis research. I’m very proud of this because it took a lot of hard work and dedication.
What goals do you hope to accomplish in your new position?
Currently, I serve as the project manager of the Charleston Harbor Post 45 Deepening Project, which is in the Pre-construction Engineering and Design (PED) phase of work. I am excited to work on a complex and challenging project which has already made incredible progress as one of the first projects to have the Feasibility Report successfully transmitted to Congress under the Corps streamlined planning guidelines. My goal is to be a part of the team that continues the Post 45 Project’s progress and record as an example project to follow by other USACE Districts while fulfilling the needs of the Charleston Harbor and the nation.