Tag: Lisa Metheney
  • January

    A day on the USS Yorktown to showcase Charleston’s female commanders

    It was a beautiful crisp fall morning for a photoshoot aboard the USS Yorktown in Charleston. The focus of the shoot? The upcoming Veterans Day issue of Charleston Women Magazine highlighting our very own senior civilian, Lisa Metheney.
  • August

    USACE Charleston District's deputy district engineer reflects on Women’s Equality Day

    Women’s Equality Day is observed on Aug. 26 and commemorates the 1920 passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which granted women the right to vote. The Army celebrates the courage and tenacity of those who challenged the nation to live up to its founding principles and the women who continue to do so today.
  • July

    Lt. Col. Andrew Johannes assumes command of Charleston District at ceremony July 16

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District welcomed its new, incoming commander at a change of command ceremony on Friday, July 16 at the Citadel Holliday Alumni Center.
  • April

    8 questions with our head civilian

    Lisa Metheney has been the deputy district engineer for programs and project management since 2014. As the "head civilian," Metheney serves as the constant face of the Charleston District, as the commander and deputy commander alternate each year with their two-year terms. She has worked for the Charleston District for over two decades and has been integral to the success of the District during this time. We ask her eight questions about how the District has been successful for 150 years and what the future looks like.