  • May

    STEM 10 Year Update

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is dedicated to exposing students to a science, technology,
  • June

    Howling at the Wolves

    For the third straight year, seniors at Timberland High School have learned how to make a good first
  • Charleston's Skyline Changed... for One Afternoon

    All of the sudden, one recent afternoon, there were 15 skyscrapers appearing in the historic
  • September

    Experiencing the Corps

    I had the opportunity to work with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District as an
  • June

    Something to Take With You After Graduation

    What does a high school senior want to know prior to going out into the real world and the real job
  • Principal for a Day

    Growing up, every student thought they could do a better job running their school than their
  • March

    Striving to be Different

    The sounds of drilling, sawing, and kid’s chatter greet guests at West Ashley High School. These
  • November

    From Students' Perspectives

    Name: Josh IsaacksSchool: Academic Magnet High SchoolGrade: 12th 1. What are your plans for next
  • August

    See With My Own Eyes

    Coming all the way from Paraguay to the United States to be an exchange student at Ashley Hall, I
  • April

    Engineering Minds

    To engage young minds and provide a hands-on learning opportunity for students, the Charleston
  • June

    Leading the Way

    To put student’s education into action, Project Lead the Way, a non-profit organization, was created
  • Making Connections

    On March 12, I took a break from classes at Clemson University to shadow at the U.S. Army Corps of
  • Cougars Pounce on Folly Beach

    Students from College of Charleston’s Water Use Law class took a rare field trip to Folly Beach to
  • Recruiting America's Future Engineers

    What do you get when Clemson University, North Carolina State University, local construction/A&E
  • Testing a Load

    Picture frames, birdhouses and pencil holders are a few items that can be made from craft sticks and
  • Building the Future

    Greeted by the sounds of sawing, hammering and drilling as they entered the construction class at
  • S.T.E.M. on the Line

    Only 12 percent of engineers in the U.S. are women so it’s no wonder, according to the Girl Scout
  • Putting Students to the Test

    Lowcountry middle school students are transforming into engineers, economists and other roles as
  • Storming Through Folly Beach

    As students walked up to the pipes spewing sand and water and bulldozers pushing sand up the dunes,
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

    A stem is what connects the life-producing roots to a beautiful flower for people to gaze upon in a