ArticleCS - Article View


Published Dec. 18, 2017
Expiration date: 1/16/2018
The proposed project consists of establishing a freshwater wetland and stream mitigation bank in the Lower Pee Dee River watershed.  The proposed 1,705.05-acre mitigation site includes approximately 55,503 linear feet and approximately 1,183.26 acres of freshwater wetlands. Specifically, the proposal is to enhance 352.94-acres of hardwood forested wetland that are currently planted in loblolly pine; enhance 152.15-acres of hardwood forested wetlands impaired by ditching and roadways; enhance 152.15-acres of hardwood forested wetlands currently planted in loblolly pine and impaired by ditches; and, preserve 644.52-acres of bottomland hardwood forest.  The wetland enhancement will be accomplished through the removal of planted pine, grading, planting native species, filling and plugging ditches, removal of portions of a road, and the installation of bridges. In addition, the proposal is to restore/enhance 21,823 linear feet of stream by establishing appropriate geomorphic characteristics that will provide long term stability as well as enhanced ecological functions and values. 24,583 linear feet of stream will be preserved and 9,097 linear feet of the Great Pee Dee River will be buffered.  Once the mitigation work is completed, the bank sponsor proposes to monitor the mitigation site to ensure that the restoration areas are developing as expected and meeting the necessary performance standards.  The bank sponsor, using a conservation easement, will protect the mitigation bank site.