The proposed work consists of the placement of permanent fill in 0.68 acres and the temporary placement of 1.79 acres of fill in Langley Pond. These activities are associated with the removal of 6.6 acres of sediment required to establish an Olympic caliber rowing course within Langley Pond. In detail, the proposed project would include excavation of three sandbars totaling 6.6 acres. The minimum depth needed is 9 feet, which is anticipated to result in 21,643 cubic yards of sediment removal and backfilled with 422 cubic yards (0.68 acres) of sand and concrete. An additional 1.79 acres of temporary construction access mats may be used to access the sandbars from the edge of the pond at normal pool elevation. Due to wastewater received by industrial facilities during the late-19th and 20th centuries, Langley Pond contains concentrated contaminated sediments approximately six inches thick around 6 inches below the mud line, according to a study prepared by CDM Smith for SCDHEC. The same study identified the primary concern for these sediments as metals, organochlorine pesticides, PCBs, and SVOCs. The sediment removal for the proposed project is planned to excavate beyond the contaminated sediment layer and the margins would be capped with interlocking Armorflex, which will be backfilled with clean sand. According to the applicant, “excavated material will be removed by trackhoe or similar equipment and will be sampled and tested in-place, and based on the testing, will be classified as contaminated or non-hazardous. Material classified as contaminated will be measured as cubic yards removed and hauled to a hazardous waste landfill in Alabama”. Material deemed non-hazardous will be measured in cubic yards and placed in a landfill in Aiken County. Currently, Langley Pond is lowered by approximately 7 feet and is anticipated to be drawn down further in order for this proposed work to occur in the dry. The applicant does not anticipate that the excavated material will need to be dewatered, and therefore will be placed directly on haul trucks to be transported to the proper waste landfills. The applicant has not proposed any compensatory mitigation for impacts associated with the project. According to the applicant, the project purpose is to establish a five-lane, Olympic caliber rowing course in Langley Pond.