ArticleCS - Article View


Published March 9, 2018
Expiration date: 3/23/2018
The proposed work consists of the placement of fill material within wetlands for the construction of an access road and expansion of existing warehousing at McCall Farms.  In detail, the work involves permanent impacts to 0.57 acre of jurisdictional wetlands for the construction of new warehouses and an access road.  Previous authorizations for McCall Farms at this location consist of utilizing Nationwide Permits 18, 33, and 39 to authorize 0.514 acres of impacts to jurisdictional waters and an Individual Permit to authorize 0.035 acre of impacts to jurisdictional waters.  The applicant states that complete avoidance of impacts to wetlands was not practicable due to the "location and distribution of wetlands in relation to the existing warehouse area and the site's only access".  According to the applicant, "the proposed warehouse expansion impacts have been limited to the minimal amount possible to provide sufficient area to meet the expansion needs while providing required perimeter access to meet local fire codes".  The applicant has proposed to mitigate for impacts to wetlands by purchasing 6.099 credits from Carter-Stilley Wetland and Stream Mitigation Bank.  The project purpose is to construct an access road and warehouse expansion to accommodate increased demand for products at McCall Farms.