The proposed activity is a beach renourishment project along the beach of Arcadian shores. In detail, the work will include the placement of up to 475,000 cubic yards (cy) of beach-quality sediment along approximately 1.1 mile (6,000 linear feet) of shoreline. The project encompasses three reaches with Reach “1” beginning ~1,000 Linear feet (l.f.) south of Singleton Swash and extending north ~2,000 l.f. Reach “2” will extend 3,000 l.f. from Brigadune Condominiums to approximately Lake Arrowhead Road. Reach “3” will extend 1,000 l.f. north to Apache Family Campground Pier. The applicant stated that sand will be obtained from an offshore borrow area. The proposed borrow area is located ~2.5 miles southeast and directly offshore of Arcadian Shores with rough dimensions of 6,000 l.f. by 2,600 l.f. (~360 acres). Nourishment sand will be excavated by ocean-certified hopper dredge, transported to a submerged pumpout line, then discharged onto the beach. The slurry will dewater naturally, then will be shaped and graded to slopes and elevations similar to the existing beach. A storm berm will be constructed using nourishment sand along up to 4,000 l.f. of Arcadian Shores (Reach 2 and possibly portions of Reach 1 and Reach 3). No fill will be placed landward of existing native beach vegetation. The majority of the nourishment volume will be placed along Reach “2” which has experienced above-average erosion in recent years (Sheet 5 of 12). Plans call for nourishment to restore chronic and storm sand losses since the project area was last nourished in 2008 and to supplement the volume with extra material to sustain ~10 years of normal erosion before remedial action is required. The applicant offered no compensatory mitigation for the proposed impacts. The project purpose is storm damage reduction.