The proposed work consists of removing the existing dock and constructing a new marina facility. In detail, the applicant proposes to construct a 20’ x 20’ covered pierhead attached to high ground by an 8’ x 250’ walkway. In addition, a 12’ x 13’ four pile boat lift will be installed on the upstream side of the pierhead accessed by a 4’ x 12’ catwalk. At the waterward end of the pierhead the applicant proposes to install a 6’ x 40 aluminum ramp leading to a 20’ x 90’ floating dock with an 8’ x 108’ center float. Six 6’ x 45’ finger piers will be attached to the 20’ x 90’ center float. Finally, a 6’ x 66’ “L” shaped kayak pier is to be installed at the upland side of the 20’ x 98’ floating dock as shown on the attached plans. According to the applicant, the marina will provide 630 linear feet of dockable slip space. Based on an assumed average boat length of 20, the proposed marina will accommodate 28 boats in wet slips. The largest single slip face is 98 linear feet. The applicant states that the marina will operate without power output, water supply, waste facilities or fueling equipment. The applicant stated that mitigation is not proposed as there are no impacts to aquatic resources that would require mitigation. The purpose of the proposed work is to provide day time mooring of boats to provide access to the inland property as well as storage and launching of unpowered kayaks.