The proposed work consists of placing fill material below the Spring High Tide Line to restore and enhance the existing dune system at the Ocean Course Driving Range. In detail, the applicant proposes to conduct dune restoration along 1,600 linear feet of beach along the Ocean Course Driving Range by placing no more than 1,000 cubic yards of fill material below the Spring High Tide Line. The proposed work would involve realigning the existing dune built as emergency repair following Hurricane Irma. The existing dune would be relocated no more than 50 feet seaward, to the apex of the current arc as shown on the attached drawings. Dune vegetation and sand fencing would be installed to promote additional dune growth and stabilization. The applicant would bring beach compatible sand from an upland source, so no equipment will be on the beach outside of the immediate project area. The applicant has not proposed to mitigate for impacts to wetlands and/or waters of the United States. The project purpose, as stated by the applicant, is to eliminate encroachment of the emergency dune into the Ocean Course driving range, to create a more linear dune feature extending along the Ocean Course, and to provide a greater protective buffer from future storm/erosion events.