PROPOSED WORK: The proposed project consists of establishing a freshwater stream mitigation bank in the Saluda watershed (8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code 03050109) located in the Level III Blue Ridge Ecoregion. The proposed 568.72-acre mitigation site includes approximately 45,948 linear feet of stream channels.
The proposal is to preserve 37,959 linear feet of stream. In addition, 3,772 feet of streams will be enhanced by stabilizing stream channels and riparian buffer planting. Restoration of 4,217 linear feet of stream will be achieved by removing a dam at Holiday Lake, rebuilding the dimension, pattern, and profile. Channels will be constructed using Natural channel design approaches to stabilize stream beds and banks, and improve stream channel geometry. In-stream structures will be used to provide grade control and improve habitat. Riparian areas will be replanted with native species. Once the mitigation work is complete, the bank sponsor proposes to monitor the mitigation site to ensure that the restoration areas are performing as expected and meeting the necessary performance standards. The bank sponsor, using a conservation easement, will protect the mitigation bank site.