The proposed work consists of dredging within the AIWW. In detail, the proposed work consists of dredging 5677.9 cubic yards (cy) of material from the AIWW to a proposed depth of -7.0’ below mean low water (MLW) by a barge mounted excavator. Dredged material will be placed onto a 24’ x 80’ barge. The applicant stated the barge bin walls will be lined with bailed wheat straw to prevent silt or sediment from escaping out of the barge scupper holes. The proposed project also includes the placement of floating silt fencing around the dredge operation. The filled barge will be transported to 1015 Vereen Drive, North Myrtle Beach, at Latitude: 33.8390, Longitude: -78.6701, where it will be offloaded onto an upland staging area enclosed by silt fencing. The dredged material will be allowed to dry and then will be used for clean construction fill. The applicant offered no compensatory mitigation for impacts associated with the project. It is understood that this work is to be conducted on/or adjacent to an area subject to a prism and/or disposal area held by the United States. Appropriate provisions will been included in the permit to ensure the interests of the Federal Government are understood. The project purpose as stated by the applicant is to allow vessels with a deeper draft to utilize the dock.