The proposed work consists of placing fill material in 3.46 acres of freshwater wetlands and 3.45 acres of open-water borrow pit for development of the site. In detail, the applicant proposes to construct a mixed use development including commercial, office, multifamily, storage facility and retail space. The approximate amounts of each space may change slightly. The multifamily design currently includes 156 multifamily units with 334 residential development parking spaces. The retail and commercial development includes approximately 125,000 square feet of floor space (typically single level) of grocery/supermarket space, with other franchise business locations and available commercial and office space also included in multiple buildings. Total parking for shopping and commercial will be 500 to 510 spaces. Total stormwater retention space anticipated for the development will be approximately 125,000 square feet (2.9 acres). See sheets 3 to 11 of 11 showing project impacts and proposed development. Preserved green space on the site will be approximately 28 acres of wetlands and buffers preserved, as well as other green spaces including required setbacks from property lines and roadways. The applicant has proposed to mitigate for impacts to wetlands and/or waters of the United States by purchasing 27.2 restoration/enhancement credits from an approved mitigation bank. In addition, as avoidance and minimization, the applicant proposes to preserve the remaining 27.61 acres of wetlands onsite. The project purpose as stated by the applicant is to provide additional options for local and national businesses to locate in a high growth and highly competitive area which has undergone substantial increases in residential population. The area has had increased population of young families, retirees and business locations continuously since the 1990's. The continuous development of the surrounding areas in commercial and residential sites have created an ongoing and growing need for additional sites. High volume vehicle traffic along US Highway 176 demonstrates the ideal nature of this location. The site was formerly farm and grazing land and is now fallow.