ArticleCS - Article View


Published April 29, 2020
Expiration date: 5/13/2020

The proposed work consists of placing approximately 4,034 cubic yards of fill material in approximately 2.71 acres of freshwater wetlands and waters of the U. S. to construct a connector roadway from near US Highway 17 North to Rifle Range Road.  The proposed new road in this application would be constructed parallel to, and between Hamlin Road (S-504), and Six Mile Road (S-921).


In detail, this proposed project begins southeast of and near US Highway 17 to tie in with the terminus of the previously permitted Longpoint Road realignment project on the southeast side of US Highway 17.  (See Permit SAC-2011-00918, issued July 17, 2014, and extended until June 30, 2029, and attached drawings). The proposed project consists of the design and construction of a 2-lane road on new alignment divided by a planted median. The proposed project includes dedicated pedestrian and bicycle accommodations and is anticipated to have a 35-mph posted speed limit.  As previously stated, on the southeast side of the US 17 connection (northwest terminus of this project), the project will align with and meet the terminus of Department of the Army permitted project SAC-2011-00918, which includes a new intersection at Old Georgetown Road. At Rifle Range Road, a new intersection is proposed as part of this project to tie this proposed connector road in with Rifle Range Road. The applicant states that, this improvement would add capacity to the Town’s transportation network and enhance connectivity for all modes of transportation for its citizens. The extension provides better connection between the existing and planned arterial network, which decreases trip lengths and disperses traffic to more intersections, versus concentrating it at fewer intersections. The applicant has proposed to mitigate for impacts to wetlands and/or waters of the United States by purchasing 28 credits from an approved mitigation bank that services the project location. The project purpose as stated by the applicant is to provide a connector road from US 17 to Rifle Range Road, in between Six Mile and Hamlin roads to enhance mobility for vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic and add capacity to the Town's transportation network.