The proposed work consists of construction of mixed-use development including industrial, commercial, civic and residential uses. In detail, the proposed project is a master planned development at the 4,368.81-acre Riverport Tract situated north and south of I-95, with improvements to the existing two-lane Purrysburg Road as well as a new interchange with I-95 at Mile Marker 3. Residential development, including 3,339 residential dwelling units, would occupy the project area north of I-95, with commercial and civic development situated along both sides of the new interchange and within the southern portion of the site, including over 10.6 million square feet of industrial warehouse space and 2.6 million square feet of commercial space (restaurant and hotel, grocery store, hospital, and office/retail space). Purrysburg Road would be a two-lane paved section from U.S. Highway 17 north of I-95, continuing south for the length of the development, crossing I-95 at Exit 3 (proposed) and terminating at the existing paved two-lane section of Purrysburg Road. The proposed work would require the placement of fill material into 35.17 acres of wetlands to accomplish road crossings for internal project access as well as for improvements to Purrysburg Road and I-95 where Exit 3 is proposed. After determining that sufficient mitigation bank credits do not exist, the applicant has proposed to offset impacts to wetlands and other waters of the United States by implementing an on-site permittee-responsible compensatory mitigation plan, including the buffered preservation of all remaining wetlands on the site and restoration of approximately 150 acres of pine plantation to historic wetland condition. According to the applicant, the project purpose is to construct a development in Jasper County, South Carolina, incorporating residential, commercial and industrial uses with direct access to Interstate 95 to meet projected future growth associated with the existing Port of Savannah and Jasper Ocean Terminal.