ArticleCS - Article View


Published June 19, 2020
Expiration date: 7/18/2020

The proposed project consists of establishing a freshwater stream and wetland mitigation bank in the South Fork Edisto River watershed (8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code 03050204) located in the Level III Southeastern Plains Ecoregion. located in the Southern Outer Piedmont Ecoregion.  The proposed 255-acre mitigation bank includes approximately 12,612 linear feet of stream, and 165 acres of freshwater wetlands.


The proposal is to preserve 118 acres of riparian forested wetlands. In addition, 53 acres of freshwater wetlands will be enhanced by removal of spoil piles and re-establishment of vegetation. Approximately 4 acres of wetlands will be restored by removal of an abandoned road. Approximately 2,377 linear feet of deadfall swamp will be preserved. Approximately 11,528 linear feet of stream will be restored by grade control structures and bank stabilization. Higher level restoration will involve construction of a new stream channel. The bank sponsor, using a conservation easement, will protect the mitigation bank site.

Also, according to the Prospectus, the proposed mitigation bank will provide in-kind compensatory mitigation for authorized impacts to aquatic resources located within the South Fork Edisto, North Fork Edisto, Selkahatchie, and Saluda watersheds as shown on the attached Service Area Map.  The work required to complete the proposed activities on the mitigation site may be authorized under Nationwide Permit #27 after reviews by the Corps, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, and the Interagency Review Team.