The proposed activity is a beach nourishment project along the south end of Litchfield Beach, SC. (NOTE: The proposed project is a revision of the plan previously advertised on April 14, 2020. Only comments pertaining to this public notice will be considered). In detail, the revised plan consists of the placement of up to 450,000 cubic yards (cy) of beach compatible sand along approximately 3,600 (lf) of shoreline. The proposed project consists of beach restoration via additions of beach quality sand trucked to the beach from an inland borrow source in multiple events over a five-year period. Sand will be obtained from inland (upland) borrow pit(s) containing sufficient beach compatible sand. The proposed work will be accomplished by heavy machinery (bulldozers) shaping the fill on the beach. The applicant further stated that any work in waters of the United States, if authorized, would be performed outside of sea turtle nesting season (construction from 1 November to 31 March).