The proposed work consists of dredging accumulated sediments. In detail, the applicant proposes to dredge approximately 1900 cubic yards of accumulated sediments through a combination of mechanical and hydraulic means. The dredged material, will be placed in an temporary earthen confined disposal facility (CDF) on the adjacent uplands. The 0.57acre CDF will be constructed with earthen walls approximately 4’ high, with a storage capacity of 3682 cubic yards of material (including approximately 2’ of freeboard). Material dredged via mechanical means will be directly deposited into adjacent CDF where practical. Mechanical dredging occurring out of reach from the CDF will be deposited directly on the bed of a dump truck and transported to the CDF. Silt fencing and the current bulkhead along the northern edge of Cedar Creek and will serve as a barrier preventing dredged material from reentering the waterbody. The applicant offered no compensatory mitigation for impacts associated with the project. The project purpose is to reduce and abate sediment deposition within waterbody and adjacent marina basin.