The proposed work consists of establishing a freshwater wetland and stream mitigation bank in the Black River watershed (8-digit Hydrologic Unit Codes 03040205). The proposed 722.3-acre mitigation site includes approximately 696.7 acres of freshwater wetlands and 22,000 linear feet (lf) of non-wetland waters (manmade ditches).
The proposal is to enhance the hydroperiod of 696.7 acres of freshwater wetlands by plugging/filling 22,000 lf of ditches and installing additional culverts and/or breaches (i.e., low water crossings) through elevated roadbeds. Of that area, 129.4 acres will also be enhanced through removal/thinning of loblolly pine and replanted with native wetland hardwoods. Approximately 7.2 acres of upland buffer will also be preserved. The bank sponsor, using a conservation easement, will protect the bank site.