The proposed work would consist of the redevelopment of an existing marina in Lake Murray, including removal of existing multi-slip dock structures, dredging, placement of fill material for shoreline stabilization, and construction of new multi-slip dock structures, bringing total number of docks from 43 (existing) to 120 (proposed). In detail, the proposed project would include:
Structure removal. Removal of existing structures including four floating docks with a total of 43 slips (a 32 slip dock, a 4 slip dock, a 5 slip fueling dock, and a 2 slip loading dock), one fixed pier/boardwalk/loading dock, and approximately 1,340 linear feet (lf) of failing wooden bulkhead and/or rip-rap shoreline stabilization. Note that the existing boat ramp with floating dock is proposed to remain in place.
Dredging. Dredging of approximately 450 cubic yards (cy) in a 0.3 acre area of Lake Murray including a portion of the existing earthen peninsula and surrounding the earthen peninsula to create the new dry dock storage launch and proper channel depth for safe navigation to and from a proposed dry dock launch. According to the applicant, the dredged material would be spread on site as part of the grading operations unless deemed unsuitable after testing. If unsuitable, the material would be taken to an appropriate landfill facility.
Placement of fill material. Placement of approximately 890cy clean fill material (590cy concrete, 100cy riprap, 200cy earthen) will be placed in approximately 0.4 acre of Lake Murray for the construction of the new dry dock launch, abutments, and concrete bulkhead (approximately 1,340lf). A temporary sheet pile dam may be necessary to dewater 0.05 acre of Lake Murray for the construction of the new dry dock launch.
Construction of new structures. Construction of a new fixed wooden pier walkway with metal gangway leading to a new 120 covered slip dock tree (docks “A,” “C,” “D”). The docks would be secured in place with wood pilings, and a new uncovered fueling/pump-out/handicap dock (dock “B”), with metal gangway would be attached to a new concrete abutment/walkway and secured in place with wood pilings. In total the proposed dock tree would extend approximately 202’ waterward from the 360’ full pool elevation and would parallel the shoreline and the applicant’s property line, spanning approximately 638’ of shoreline. Attending structures such as dry dock storage buildings, office buildings, roads, parking lots, and water quality ponds, would be constructed in the uplands above the 360’ full pool elevation.
The applicant has not proposed compensatory mitigation. Per the applicant, the purpose of the proposed project is for lake access/recreation and erosion control in this area.