The proposed work consists of expanding the existing facility by constructing an onsite warehouse necessary for the storage of recycled plastic chips necessary for implementation into the production process. The wetlands proposed to be impacted are located within an area preserved in perpetuity by deed restrictive covenants associated with Department of the Army (DA) permit SAC-1995-10646, issued on September 14, 1995. In detail, the applicant has requested to modify the restrictive covenants by releasing the restrictions on a portion of the preserved area (5.08 acres) and discharging fill material into 5.08 acres of previously preserved freshwater wetlands. According to the applicant, the expansion and subsequent warehouse is necessary to meet the requirements from their customers that the resin product they currently produce be formulated to contain a designated percentage of recycled material. This expansion is necessary for the facility to continue operations.
The applicant has determined that, in accordance with current mitigation requirements, 53.34 credits are necessary to compensate for the proposed impact to 5.08 acres of preserved wetlands The applicant is proposing to provide double the number of mitigation credits for compensatory mitigation by purchasing 106.7 credits from the Carter-Stilley Wetland and Stream Mitigation Bank.
The project purpose is to facilitate the expansion and operational capacity of the existing NPCA facility and to meet specific requirements to incorporate recycled material into their products.