ArticleCS - Article View


Published June 7, 2022
Expiration date: 6/21/2022

The proposed work consists of performing maintenance dredging. In detail the applicant is requesting authorization for a ten-year maintenance dredging permit to dredge using either a hydraulic cutterhead dredge or a mechanical dredge with an environmental clamshell bucket. The applicant is requesting both forms of dredging to provide for greater flexibility when hydraulic dredging is not available. When hydraulically dredging, the material would be transported to the Clouter Creek Dredge Material Placement Facility (DMPF). When mechanical dredging, the material would be placed into a scow and transported to the Clouter Creek DMPF, where the sediment would be liquefied by adding water and the resultant slurry would be pumped into the DMPF. The applicant proposes to remove approximately 30,000 cubic yards from a 6.9-acre dredge area. The previously authorized and currently proposed dredge depth is -47’ MLW, plus an allowable 2’ overdepth. As there are no impacts to wetlands, the applicant is not proposing mitigation. The project purpose is to maintain safe operating depths during all tidal stages to accommodate vessels at the Kinder Morgan Dock 4.