ArticleCS - Article View


Published Sept. 21, 2022
Expiration date: 10/5/2022

The proposed work consists of constructing a multi-unit residential home community. In detail, the applicant proposes to place fill within wetlands and waters of the U.S. to construct an apartment complex with 350 units located in one large U-shaped building, with a parking garage (342 spaces) and surface parking (218 spaces), as well as an approximately 8,000 square foot clubhouse/ community center. The applicant proposes impacts to 2.12 acres of freshwater wetlands and 0.29 acres (1,151 linear feet) of non-wetland waters. The impact to the wetland will be fill associated with the residential development. The impacts to the non-wetland water includes 0.09 acre (282 linear feet) of permanent impounding/ flooding impacts from excavation of the onsite stormwater retention pond. The remainder of the impacts to the non-wetland water (0.20 acre or 869 linear feet) will be fill to accommodate the construction of the proposed multi-family development. The non-wetland water will be re-routed from the stormwater pond along Plantation Road to an existing culvert that crosses under Plantation Road, eventually draining into Popperdam Creek.