The proposed work consists of maintenance dredging of approximately 7,000 cubic yards of material as-needed from a 0.93-acre area to a depth of -9’ MLW. The material will be dredged using either a hydraulic cutterhead dredge or a mechanical dredge with an environmental clamshell bucket. Dredge material will be disposed of in the Daniel Island Dredge Material Placement Facility (DMPF). The applicant is requesting both forms of dredging to provide for greater flexibility when hydraulic dredging is not available. When hydraulically dredging, the material would be transported via pipeline to the DMPF. When mechanically dredging, the material would be placed into a scow and transported to the DMPF, where the sediment would be liquefied by adding water and the resultant slurry would be pumped into the DMPF. The applicant is requesting authorization under a ten-year Department of the Army (DA) permit, and anticipates needing to dredge every three or four years.