The proposed project consists of establishing a freshwater stream mitigation bank in the Upper Broad River watershed (8-digit Hydrologic Unit Code 03050105) in the Piedmont Region. The proposed 1,102.43-acre mitigation site includes approximately 17,959 linear feet of streams. The proposal includes the enhancement of approximately 695 linear feet, restoration of 5,396 linear feet, and the preservation of 11,812 linear feet of streams. Restoration will include the construction of a new channel reconnected with the historic floodplain by lifting the channel bed and installing in-stream structures to improve bedform diversity and lateral and vertical stability. Enhancement activities will primarily include bank stabilization, flood plain benching, and limited grade control work. Once the mitigation work is completed, the bank sponsor proposes to monitor the mitigation site to ensure that the restoration areas are developing as expected and meeting the necessary performance standards.