The proposed project consists of establishing a freshwater stream and wetland umbrella mitigation bank in the Edisto River (HUC 03050206) and Four Hole Swamp (HUC 03050205) Subbasins within the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain Level III Ecoregion. The BFUMB is entirely contained within Brosnan Forest and is proposed to be comprised of five individual mitigation bank sites, each associated with and situated within one of five unrestored watersheds on Brosnan Forest as follows: Indian Field I, Indian Field II, Tom & Kate Branch, Turkey Creek South, and Walnut Branch. With the exception of a small portion of the Walnut Branch watershed, the BFUMB is proposing to extend from the headwaters of each of these unrestored watersheds to the points where each of these watersheds exit Brosnan Forest. The five watersheds evaluated for the proposed BFUMB span approximately 8,629 acres of Brosnan Forest’s 14,405 acres. BFUMB is proposed to complement the currently established adjoining Brosnan Forest Mitigation Bank (BFMB) and Brosnan Forest Coldwater Branch Mitigation Bank (BFCBMB).
Preliminary evaluations conducted to approximate the potential stream and wetland mitigation opportunities within each of the five sites initially proposed within the BFUMB resulted in the estimated opportunity for approximately 121,000 linear feet of stream mitigation (an estimated 60,539 FF) and approximately 2,200 acres of potential wetland mitigation within the BFUMB.
The plan for the BFUMB involves the restoration, enhancement, and/or preservation of the streams, riparian wetlands, non-riparian wetlands, and associated forested buffers and uplands within each of the five mitigation sites. Primary restoration activities for the bank sites would include: 1) removing loblolly pine plantations, 2) removing dams, roads, and other earthwork to the extent practicable, 3) filling/plugging ditches to restore hydrology, 4) planting native trees and shrubs to restore wetland plant communities, 5) restoring stream channels and associated wetlands in historic valleys, and 6) suppressing nuisance and invasive species vegetation.
The Sponsor is proposing to add the Indian Field II (IFII) Mitigation Site (33.1513, Longitude: -80.4308) as the first site under the BFUMB. Preliminary evaluations conducted to approximate the potential stream and wetland mitigation opportunities for the IFII Mitigation Site resulted in the estimated opportunity for approximately 18,000 linear feet of stream mitigation, representing more than 9,500 functional feet, and approximately 200 acres of potential wetland mitigation.
As proposed the Indian Field II Mitigation Site would provide in-kind compensatory mitigation for authorized impacts to aquatic resources within the proposed service areas in the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain and Southeastern Plains Level III Ecoregion (as shown on the attached map). The work required to complete the proposed activities on the mitigation site would be reviewed under Department of the Army Nationwide Permit #27