ArticleCS - Article View


Published Nov. 8, 2024
Expiration date: 11/22/2024

The proposed dock will consist of a 12' by 25' covered fixed pierhead with a 12' by 25' boatlift located on the west side of the fixed pierhead. On high ground, the proposed structure consists of a 4' by 4' landing leading to 4' by 12' stairs, a 4' by 9' walkway, and a 4' by 40' walkway parallel to the shore.  The proposed 101.36 linear foot bulkhead will be constructed landward of the high tide line (HTL) (waterward of an existing concrete block wall) and will consist of 4' by 29' returns on both sides of the property.  The project will also consist of the excavation of .0097 acre of high ground and 0.0316 acre (22 cubic yards) of jurisdictional waters (AIWW).  An upland based long arm track hoe or excavator will be utilized to remove the material from the uplands and AIWW.  The dredged material will then be placed in bucket trucks on high ground and then transported offsite to Horry County TMS# 144-06-01-014 and placed in uplands.  BMPs such as the use of silt fencing, and other containment measures, will be employed to ensure that no return water enters the AIWW from the dredged material.