- Always wear a life jacket
- Don operate a boat under the influence of alcohol
- Take SCDNR boating course
- Know CPR/First Aid
At the Beach
- Always use the Buddy System when swimming
- Don’t swim if you’re sick
- Use sunscreen of at least SPF 30
- Wear a hat
- Be aware of riptides and swim with the current
Beware of heat exhaustion
- Confusion
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Nausea
- Have them rest in a cool area and drink water
- Mosquitos, ticks and fleas can transmit disease
- Check yourself and pets for ticks and remove with tweezers
- Wash and dry clothes after activity
- Keep pets up-to-date on flea and heart medications
- Snakes
- There are six kinds of poisonous snakes in SC
- If you see a snake, give it space and leave it alone
- If bit, immediately see a doctor