Archive: March, 2017
  • March

    Meet: Michael Dixon Jr.

    Name: Michael Dixon Jr.What is your position? District Contracting Chief Describe your job: I lead a
  • Meet: Michelle Zulauf

    Name:  Michelle Zulauf What is your position?  Regulatory Archaeologist         Describe your job: 
  • Mitigating an unusual situation

    What do the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, a grocery store, and Clemson University have in common?
  • Remembering Jay Torres

    Dec. 8, 2016 was a sad day for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District. It will be
  • Jasper Ocean Terminal public scoping meeting

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District’s regulatory program strives to provide fair,
  • Four dredges, one harbor

    You better have your eyes peeled right now if you’re a boat captain in Charleston Harbor. With four
  • Completing the Circle

    Four months after using their bare hands to pull grass out of the ground, 30 students from Miracle
  • FY16 Year in Review

    Charleston District FY16 Year in Review Civil Works  The Charleston District received a 4.5
  • Winning the dredging lottery

    How often do we head to the beach and stop at a gas station on the way to buy a drink and a lottery
  • A "WIIN" for Post 45

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Charleston District proudly leads the way for one of the Corps’
  • Post-Matthew Beach Analyses

    On October 8th, Hurricane Matthew, a powerful storm that affected thousands of people from Haiti to
  • Three generals in one week

    It’s not often the Charleston District has a one-star general visit our office. It’s less often that