• SAC-1995-10646 REVISED

    Expiration date: 5/16/2022

    Nan-Ya Plastics Corporation of America Expansion Warehouse Williamsburg County, South Carolina

  • Special Public Notice: Process Refinement

    The Regulatory Division is refining its process to emphasize review of Department of the Army (DA) permit applications and requests associated with pending DA permit applications beginning April 22, 2022. Requests not associated with a DA permit application, including standalone jurisdictional determinations (JDs) and delineation concurrences (DCs), will still be accepted, but the review and processing of such standalone requests will be based on available resources, resulting in extended timelines for processing. In-house wetland delineations conducted by the Corps will generally only be performed for small tracts (i.e., one acre or less) on a case-by-case basis and as time allows.

  • SAC-2020-00284

    Expiration date: 5/11/2022

    US 17 and Main Road Charleston County, South Carolina

  • SAC-2021-01071

    Expiration date: 4/21/2022

    41st Avenue Outfall Charleston County, South Carolina

  • SAC-2012-00869

    Expiration date: 4/14/2022

    Proximity Point Community Dock and Bulkhead Horry County, South Carolina

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This Public Notice webpage will be updated daily or as needed.  Please contact us if you are looking for an old public notice not available on this webpage.