The proposed work consists of 10.36 miles of safety improvements to the existing US 321 roadway in Jasper County. These improvements include widening pavement markings from 4” to 6”, widening the shoulders by providing a 4-foot paved shoulder and a 6-foot grass shoulder throughout the entire corridor, shoulder re-grading to create a recoverable slope to meet the maximum clear zone requirements, clearing trees and brush along the shoulder to allow for shoulder and clear zone improvements, installing guardrails to protect and shield drivers from roadside obstacles, improving the visibility of signs, centerline and edge of roadway rumble strips, and installing new reflectors along the centerline of US 321 throughout the entire corridor.
The applicant proposes impacts to 31 linear feet of relatively permanent waters, to mechanically clear 2.25 acres of jurisdictional wetlands, and to fill 7.54 acres of jurisdictional wetlands for improvements to the existing US 321 roadway. The applicant has proposed to mitigate for impacts to wetlands and/or waters of the United States by purchasing 104.71 wetland mitigation credits and 57.66 stream credits from a nearby approved compensatory mitigation bank. As stated by the applicant, the primary purpose of the project is to reduce the frequency and severity of crashes along the US 321 corridor while maximizing traffic operations.