ArticleCS - Article View


Published April 16, 2021
Expiration date: 5/15/2021

The proposed project consists of establishing a freshwater wetland and stream mitigation bank in the Lower Catawba watershed (8-digit Hydrologic Unit Codes 03050103). The proposed 623 acre mitigation site includes approximately 28.3 acres of freshwater wetlands and 48,294 linear feet (lf) of non-wetland waters.

The proposal is to preserve approximately 38,429 lf of streams and 12.47 acres of palustrine forested wetlands through the permanent protection of a conservation easement. In addition, 15.53 acres of freshwater wetlands will be enhanced through removal of loblolly pine and replanted in native species. 11,766 lf of stream will be restored/enhanced through removal of two dams and priority one restoration utilizing natural channel design techniques. This includes channel re-alignment, construction of new channels, and bank stabilization. An upland buffer will be placed around all stream resources. The bank sponsor, using a conservation easement, will protect the bank site.