ArticleCS - Article View


Published Aug. 18, 2021
Expiration date: 9/20/2021

Note, this proposed project was originally submitted and put on Notice on February 27, 2012. Any comments received from the February 27, 2012 Notice will no longer be considered. The proposed project consists of establishing a freshwater wetland and stream mitigation bank in the Lower Broad River watershed (8-digit Hydrologic Unit Codes 03050106). The proposed 73.61-acre mitigation site includes approximately 3.36-acres of freshwater wetlands and 6,846 linear feet (lf) of non-wetland waters.

The proposal is to preserve 3,127 lf of headwater tributaries and 3.4 acres of palustrine forested wetlands through the permanent protection of a conservation easement. In addition, 3,884 lf of stream will be restored/enhanced through priority one and two restoration utilizing natural channel design techniques. This includes channel re-alignment, construction of new channels, and bank stabilization. Additionally, 743 lf of streams will be enhanced through Priority 4 restoration techniques, including bank stabilization.  An upland buffer will be placed around stream resources. The bank sponsor, using a conservation easement, will protect the entire bank site.